<Pt. 4>

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2 weeks later...

Taeyong's P.O.V

It's been 2 weeks since I met Y/N. Since then, we kept a conversation going once in a while and we've already became friends in such a short time. She's told me all sorts of things about her and everything just completely blew me away! Like for instance she told me about [insert fun facts about yourself excluding any super personal stuff] and to be honest, I kinda want to know even more about her. But maybe that should be saved for another time. Oh I almost forgot about something! I haven't taken her out on a date yet. Not like a "date date" but like taking her out to places in the heart of Seoul and stuff. Pretty much hanging out basically anywhere. I'll text her and see if she's into that idea.

Your P.O.V

*new message*

Huh? Who's this from?

Huh? Who's this from?

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Oh it's Taeyong!

Oh it's Taeyong!

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Hate Of Love ~ Lee Taeyong x Reader (Female) FF [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now