<Pt. 8>

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Johnny's P.O.V

"So what are you planning to say to her first? To ease the tension?", I asked Taeyong.

"I don't know... Take it slow I guess?", he answered.

"By that, what do you mean exactly?"

"Probably ask her what her ideal type is?"

"You haven't thought this through, have you?"


"*face palm* Gosh darn it."

"Come on Johnny you know I'm never good at these types of things!"

"Yeah I can tell."

"What would you do if you were in my position?"

"Well take it slow like you said. Talk about random stuff first before going deeper."

"Deeper as in...?"

"Deeper as in...."

"You haven't thought this through have you?"

"Oh shut u-"

"Taeyong what's taking you so long? Your friend is here.", Yuta called out.

"Sorry I was talking to Johnny I'll come over there right now.", Taeyong yelled. "I gotta go."

"I know. Good luck dude."

Even though I like Y/N, I'm just going to let Taeyong take the chance. Don't get me wrong if she accepts and the both of them start dating, I'm all for it and will be there for them when things get tough. But if he hurts her in any way, he's going to regret it..... Severely.

Your P.O.V

"So how did you meet Taeyong?", Ten asked me.

"Why do you want to know?", I said to him.

"Because I'm really curious. C'mon tell me!"

"I uhh..."

"Do you remember the café I told you about? Which just so happens to be the one that me, Johnny, Yeri, and her work at?", Jaehyun said.

"Uh huh.", Ten said in response. "But why did you put an emphasis on her and pointed at Y/N?"

"Oh you'll get what I mean soon enough."

This darn peach boy really just haaaaaad the nerve to put an emphasis on the word her.

"How do you know my name?", I questioned Ten.

"Oh I might've peeked over at Taeyong's phone one time and saw he was texting you. The thing I find weird is that he put a green heart emoji next to your name.", he answered.

"A- a heart emoji?"

"Not just a heart emoji. A green heart emoji."

Hate Of Love ~ Lee Taeyong x Reader (Female) FF [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now