<Pt. 6>

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Taeyong's P.O.V

"Whatever you saayyy. You know you can't deny it.", Johnny said to me.

I said back to him, "Well she is very nice and caring ssooo.....", I responded to him.

"And pretty. You can't deny that either."

Oh gosh I feel my cheeks heating up! And why am I smiling like a creep? Also why is my heart beating so fast? Have I fallen for her that quickly? Dang it Taeyong get yourself together! At least get to know her a little more before taking any advances.

"Taeyong-hyung, how come you're cheeks are the color of a rose?", Chenle questioned me.

"Isn't it obvious to you?", Haechan answered him. "He has a th-"


"NNNUUUUUU I NEED MY GREEN TEA ICE CREAM!!!", Chittaphon called out. "And my money since I'm also contributing too."

"We both have to split it and then pay each other and why are we even talking about this?"

"You did bring it up."

"Oh yeah... never mind then."

"I just realized we have to go to sleep soon."

"I guess you're right. Goodnight, everyone!"

Your P.O.V

It's been 4 hours since I came home and 2 hours since my brother's girlfriend went home and I swear vexing is his life priority at the moment. I'm like, 'Geez (A/N: Choose any name you'd like for your brother in this FF), can't you see I don't want to be bothered about it? I hope he stops soon.

"So how did you two meet?", y/b/n (your brother's name) kept asking me.

"At the café.", I answered.

"That's it?"

"Yes that's it."

"Boooring! Your story has to be more exciting than just that."

"What story do I have to tell? I was his server, he asked for a cappuccino, and that was about it. As you can tell, there's not much of an explanation to begin with."

"Ugghhh ffiiinnnneeeee. But pleeeaaaassee answer this last question for me."

"Okay. So what is it?"

"Do you like him?"



"He is cute and very kind. Don't get the wrong idea. I plan on getting to know him first. Making the moves right away is completely out of the window."

"Aahhh good choice, my little sis."

"Yes I know."

*time skip*

Now it has officially been 2 months since I've met Taeyong and we started to get even more close since then. I learned so much about him and I really think he's an interesting guy. We even video chatted a few times but only for a few minutes, since he is an idol and has a super packed schedule. Although lately whenever I thought about him, my heart started beating super fast. I don't know what it is but..... are you thinking what I'm thinking? Nahhh that can't be true, can it? Me developing feelings for him already? You're crazy!.... But yeah you're also kinda right. At the same time I don't think it'll happen because 1, Taeyong is a part of an idol group, 2, we won't have enough time for each other and 3, I believe a good majority of people won't support our relationship at all. If we ever start dating, of course. I also don't want anyone stirring up huge rumors and spreading them all around the world. What? It could actually happen, you know.

"Y/N I have a job for you to do.", my boss told me. "Will you come to my office real quick, please?"

"Yes sir I'll be right there.", I said to her.

"Our delivery driver had to leave early for a family emergency. Are you okay with delivering these cups of coffee to...... SM Entertainment?"

SM Entertainment..... SM Entertainment..... Did she just say SM Entertainment? SM freakin Entertainment?!?! Oh my gosh!!! The company that created Shinhwa, S.E.S, TVXQ, Super Junior, SNSD, SHINee, f(x), EXO, Red Velvet, and the group Taeyong is a part of; NCT! Wait what if NCT's managers think of something suspicious if he says hi to me or waves or stares at me? I hope they don't think that way.

"Uuhhh y-yes ma'am. I'll g-go right a-a-away.", I stuttered.

"Good. You can go home right after as well if you want."

"Alright then."


Hate Of Love ~ Lee Taeyong x Reader (Female) FF [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now