<Pt. 1>

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Your P.O.V

"Hello there, fellow patron! My name is Y/N and I'll be your server for today. Now what would you like to order?", I asked. "I can give you some more time if you're not ready yet."

"No it's alright. I've already decided.", the patron answered. "I'd like just a regular cup of cappuccino, please."

"Alright then. No extra sugar or anything else like one of our breakfast biscuits?"

"No but thanks for the offer."

"No problem. What about the sugar?"

"I already have my own."

"Alright that's fine. And your name is..."

"Lee Taeyong. You can just call me Taeyong if you'd like."

"Okay Taeyong I'll serve your cappuccino in a little bit. It won't take long."

"Take as much time as you need to."

Meanwhile as you're making the cappuccino...

That Taeyong guy is kinda cute, I must say. But I don't get why he came here by himself. It doesn't seem right to drink some cappuccino alone. Maybe I'll sit with him when my shift is over. I don't want him to be lonely.

"Y/N who are you staring at?", I hear one of my coworkers say. I turn around and notice Yeri standing by the coffee machine.

"The window? Where else would I be looking?", I lied.

"Doesn't look like it to me.", another coworker said.

"Jaehyun do you really have to butt in?", I asked.

"Yes.", he told me while chuckling.

"Haha very funny. Now if you two will excuse me, I have to finish this cappuccino."

"Were you staring at Taeyong over there?"

"No I wasn- how do you know him?"

"From my dance practices."

"Oh nice. I might have to talk to him about that. Anyways, I'll get back to this and be done with my shift. That cool with you guys?"

"Go right on ahead.", they both answered.

Phew. That was a close one.

Taeyong's P.O.V

That girl.... she seems more unique than any other girl I've come in contact with. Not that they aren't unique in any way it's just that she's a bit more different from them. And she is very kind, too. Maybe I should have a talk with her sometime and get to know her better.

"Heelllllooooooo are you awake, Taeyong? It's me Jaehyun.", someone spoke. "Do you not notice my two fingers snapping in front of your face?"

"Huh? Oh sorry about that.", I told him. "Wait I didn't know you worked here."

"Haha a lot of people from our dance practice don't know that. Anyways did you notice your server eyeing you from behind the counter?"

"You mean Y/N?"


"What about her?"

"I think she likes y-"

"Here's your cappuccino. Sorry it longer than expected to make it was because of my 2 co- Oh hey Jaehyun, I didn't notice you there.", Y/N told me and him.

"That's totally fine.", I said to her. "Why don't you sit down with me? I think you deserve some rest after working all day."

"That's really thoughtful of you."

"Thanks I try."

"Okay I'll sit down with you but I have to change out of my uniform first."

"That's fine. Take your time."


Hey guys! So what do you all think about part 1? 🤔🧐 It's not much since this part is pretty short. Next one is going to be a bit longer and probably going to be published tomorrow (I actually sort of finished it last night lol 😆). Thanks for reading 📖🤗💕

Hate Of Love ~ Lee Taeyong x Reader (Female) FF [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now