<Pt. 3>

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Your P.O.V

"Y/N where have you been all week?", my *ahem* ex asked me again after he finished walking toward us. "I've been worried sick!"

"I thought I made it clear to you I never want to see or hear from you ever again.", I said sternly. "You really think you can still keep me in your arms after what you did, huh?"

"Who's the idiot standing next to you? Your new fling?"

"His name is Taeyong and no he's not my new fling. Also don't avoid my question!"

"How about you stop evading mine?"

"I just responded, you dumb moron!"

"And how about we just go back to my place?", Taeyong said while placing his arm around my neck. I almost forgot he was standing right next to me.

"What are you implying?", I replied to him. He whispers into my ear, "Just play along."

"Yeah sure thing.", I whispered back. "Alex me and him are just good friends, so you shouldn't worry."

"There you are, Alex! C'mon we need to go.", a stranger says to him. "We can have a convo about this later.". After they got out of earshot, me and Taeyong went back to my house.

A moment later...

"Phew that was close.", I spoke.

"Yeah I guess it was.", Taeyong said. "So what's the deal with that guy named Alex?"

"*sigh* He's my ex."

"I know. You mentioned that fact about him earlier."

"Oh yes you're right. I forgot, hehe."

"This is a pretty cool place."

"Aww why thank you!"

"No problem. So do you live here by yourself?"

"Ehh sort of. My parents are away on a business trip in another country until they come back. My older brother is here looking after me until then."

"Ooh I see. Where is he right now? And yes I know that sounded creepy so I apologize for that."

"Haha no worries, it's totally fine. He's at his girlfriend's house trying to make a good impression on her parents."

"Hmm... sounds interesting. Hopefully things go well for him."

"Yeah I hope so too. Anyways, did you finish your cappuccino from earlier?"

"What? Oh dang it! I'm sorry but I didn't."

"It's alright. I can make you another one right now, if you'd like."

"You don't need to. I don't want you to waste your energy."

"No I insist. I'll go make it right now."

Taeyong's P.O.V

Y/N is being awfully nice to me. I didn't think someone like her would be so kind to a stranger such as myself. She really is different from any other girl I came across. Like I mentioned before, not that they aren't unique in any way. Everyone has their own kind of unique personality. Wait a second..... is she having trouble trying to reach something?"

"You've got be kidding me. If only I was tall enough to reach it.", she whispers to herself.

Haha that's so cute! Her trying to reach a plate, despite her short height. There's nothing wrong with being short, by the way. I just find it adorable. I'll go help her.

"Here let me help you.", I say as I grab the plate for her.

"Thanks. I could've done it by myself but thank you anyways."

"My pleasure.". I decided not to tease her since I don't know her good enough. Not yet, at the least.

Another moment later...

"Aaaand here you go! Another cup of cappuccino made by yours truly.", Y/N says while handing it over to me.

"Thank you, Y/N.", I replied.

"Do you still want to finish getting to know each other some more?"

"Su- oh geez!"

"Is something wrong?"

"Nothing. I just realized I was supposed to go and pick up one of my friends a half hour ago but now I'm running late. Is it okay if I give you my phone number so I can make plans with you some other time?"

"Sure thing. I planned on giving you my number too."

"Perfect. I'll text you as soon as I can."

"Okay then. See you next time."


Hey I apologize for not posting in a very long while (and for not publishing pt. 3 right away). I was going to publish it after publishing it on Amino (this whole fanfic was originally planned to stay on that platform only until I decided to publish it here) but then I ended up forgetting (for several months). Aaaannndd I also forgot to post parts 4-7 as well 😅 so those will be posted soon I promise you that 💯 Thanks for reading and also for 59 reads and 3 votes (at the time of writing this) I really appreciate it 🤗💞

Hate Of Love ~ Lee Taeyong x Reader (Female) FF [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now