<Pt. 7>

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Your P.O.V

Okay don't panic please don't panic. Everything is going to be fine if you just do not freak out. It's nothing major. You're only going to SM Entertainment and that's about it. Nothing to worry about, right? Walk up to the security guards, tell them where you're going and where you're delivering the cups of coffee, and go there. Oh and don't be such a nervous wreck when you're doing it too!

"Sorry but tourist hours are over for today. You can come back some other time.", one of the guards said.

"Hello sir. I am actually here to deliver these to some members of NCT and also their choreographer.", I told him.

"Is that it?"

"Yes sir."

"Are there any sedatives in those drinks?"

(A/N: I don't know if they would do that in real life but that's what I imagine they'd do. I meant about the security guard asking if there were any sedatives, by the way.)

"No sir."

"Hmm... alright then. We'll take you to them."

"Thank you."

Well that turned out better than I expected. But why did he ask me if there were any sedatives in the coffee? Oh... never mind I get it now.

*time skip*

"And here is the dance practice room."

"Thank you very much sir."

I'm finally here. Alright Y/N, just go ahead and open the door. Wait maybe I should knock first because if I just open it without knocking first, I'll have them staring at me awkwardly and weirdly. Okay in 3.... 2.... 1- someone's opening the door someone's opening the door!

Taeyong's P.O.V

"That's a wrap for now, everyone!", Taemin-hyung told us. "You all can go back to your dorms and take a good rest. I could sure use some too."

"Thank you for instructing us again, Taemin-hyung.", Jisung said to him.

"No thank you all. You guys did such a wonderful job with the choreography that I decided to let you guys off early."

"What about the coffee?", I asked Taemin.

*knock knock*

(A/N: ᴺᵒʷ ᵖˡᵃʸᶦ [Twice - Knock Knock]- Okay I need to stop with these references and move on with the story)

That must be the person delivering the coffee. Hmm... should I go open the- oh never mind. Haechan's already at the door.

"Whhooo is i- it's you!", Haechan called out.

"What do you mean?", the person questioned him.

Hold on a second..... that voice sounds familiar... could it be..?

"Haechan who is it?", I asked.

"The person delivering our drinks.", he responded.

"Was it necessary to yell it out?"


"Okay then."

I seriously don't think it was necessary for him to do that but ehh whatever. Let's just.. it is her! But why did... oohhh. I swear I'm gonna-

"Oh hello there!", Taemin said. "What's your name, if I may ask?"

"I- i- it's fine. My name is Y/N.", Y/N responded. "Here's your guy's drinks. I'll be leaving now."

"Why don't you stay here for a little while? I'm sure a little someone here would appreciate it.", Johnny suggested while looking at me. "Although if you have somewhere to go, that is fine.". Wait... where did he come from?

"I guess I can.", she told him.

Your (short) P.O.V

"So what do you like to do in your free time when you're not making coffee?", Renjun asked me.

"(A/N: Say the hobbies you'd tell someone when you first get to know them (yes I know that kinda made no sense but moving on 🏃‍♀️)).", I said to him.

"Ahh I see. Very interesting.", he responded.

"Anything else about yourself? Siblings, etc.".

"I do have an older brother."

"How old is he? I'm going to guess he's somewhere in his 20's."

"Correct. He turned 23 recently."

"Yes! I was right!"

*time skip*

Taeyong's P.O.V (again)

"Should I tell her?", I asked Johnny.

"About your feelings for her? Go ahead.", he answered.

"What if she says no? She might think I'm rushing things between us too quickly."

"She may think that but something tells me she has umm.. feelings for you too."

"You think so?"

"Positive. But to make the choice whether to go for it or not, that's up to you."

"Hey Taeyong someone wants to talk to you.", I hear Yuta call out.

"I'll be there in a sec.", I told him.

"So what are you planning to say to her first? To ease the tension?"

To be continued...


CLIFFHANGER!!! I'll let you imagine what will happen in the next part. Also yay I finished publishing parts 3-7! 🥳🎉👏🏻 I'm working on pt. 8 at the moment so it'll be out whenever. Anyways, stay tuned and thank you all for 170+ reads and 8 votes at the time of writing this 🤗💚

Hate Of Love ~ Lee Taeyong x Reader (Female) FF [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now