Chapter 15.

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Martinus pov.

I took my phone and look at time. It was already 13:00 pm. Well we woke up at 11:00 am so not big deal. I became little bit hungry, so let's eat.

,,Hey Marcus?" I asked


,,Are u hungry?" He move look from TV to me.

,,Well yes. Let's check what we have in fridge." He suggest and start moving.

,,Wait! No. I am super cozy now.. I wanna stay little bit longer." I sound like little baby now but I really don't care, I just want to feel him.

,,Hmm.."Is only what he said. Suddenly he pick me up from sofa in his strong arms.

,,Where are u taking me?" I asked tired.

,,Into kitchen u sleepy." He replayed snuggling me around to kitchen. He put me on table in kitchen and he was just about to leave when I stopped him by putting my legs again around his waist and my arms around his neck.

,,Mmmh baby what are u doing?" He asked smiling leaving little kisses on my lips.

,,I want u here with me." I replayed simply.

,,Are u hungry?" He asked again kissing me.

,,...Yea." I said,again.

,,Then explain me, how am I supposted to make something to eat when I need to carry u around?" He asked and rub my nose with his lightly smiling.

,,Well.. Uhh okay, I will sit here." I said and cross my arms.

,,Oh don't be baby! Be a man! I will be quick I promise." He laughed a little and turn around to feed us.

,,I am not a baby.." I replayed so quietly that was close to wisper.

I was just sitting there on table admiring my beloved brother who was making us food. Even tho I didn't saw his face so much I knew he was still cuttest and hottest at same time. This night I wanted to be alone with him since our mom and Johan left to Oslo but ofcourse Hannah and Tasha need to be there. I just wanted normal night for us, to just lying in bed and watching TV series and be lazy together.

,,Hey u okay baby?" Marcus cut my thoughts .

,,Hm? Oh yea I am, I just wanted night only with u like date but now we need to go out with Hannah and Thasa just because Johan told us. I don't want." I said.

,,Oh dont worry I have plan for tonight. We will have time for us believe me." He said and kissed me.

,,Okag then, I believe u." I smiled at him cosing him to smile back.

We sit down and eat what mom put for us in frige to eat while they're gone.
We eat everything and clean up. We had lot of time now until we need to get ready so we decided to play some Video Games. We sit in our room just playing Video Games and enjoying our time playing games. Until it was 16:00 pm already. Marcus sit up and said

,,I need to take shower." He walked to waredrobe and took towels and chlotes for both. He started walking to our bathroom until he stoped.

,,U coming?" I smiled and we both come in bathroom.

We took all out clothes off and get into shower. I turn on water and all hot water poured on Marcus.

,,Aaaa!! That is too hot Martinus!!" He screamed as I turn off water and start laughing hard.

,,Hey that wasn't funny at all! U could burn me up!" He said offended.

,,Oh c'mon! That was funny!" I said and laughed again.

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