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After me and my brother had finished dinner, we decided to call it a night and head off to bed.

Much to my dismay, I couldn't fall asleep for the life of me. It's inevitable to say. My body kept tossing and turning, my mind wondered off and the moonlight that peaks through my curtains seem to be more interesting than sleep at the moment.

I sigh knowing that I wouldn't be able to fall asleep anytime soon, so I lay on my back letting my thoughts invade.

I had always wondered what life would be like if we never lost my mom. If she never had gotten cancer. If I had never gotten it. Life had seemed to be throwing out cruel jokes. I always questioned why my life had to be like this but I never gave up fate that one day, some how, some way that I would be cancer free. I would be able to live my life and not worry about someone getting too close to me or worry about one little sneeze.

Even though the doctor had declared it was gone and I was in remission, he and my dad have always stuck to playing it safe. It's been almost six months since I've been in remission. I still wasn't aloud to go out and do teenager things. It was the same thing every single day for me.

I wake up, get ready for the day, take my medicine, eat, do my homework, clean my room, and make YouTube videos. Fun right?

I appreciated everything my dad was doing for me but being diagnosed at the early age of twelve, my dad had been more than careful with me. As for my brother, he always had a clean bill of health. As for me, it wasn't the case.

I'd always hoped since I was in remission that I could start being a normal teenager. I still do but I understand my father being overprotective and cautious when it comes to me. He already lost the love of his life. He didn't need to lose his daughter as well.

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