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"Dude! Dude! Zion, wake up" nick says shaking me

I yawn stretching. I wipe the sleep from my eyes, looking around confused. Where's Nova?

"Hey nick?" I call out

"Yeah?" He asks from the hall

"Where's Nova?" I ask standing up

He turns and gives me a weird look. I study his face as he seems to be studying mine as well, not faltering the weird look he had been giving me.

"Uh, Z. Who's Nova dude?" He questions

It was not my turn to give him a weird look. How could he not know who Nova was? That was one of his best friends.

"How do you not remember her?" I question

"Maybe because I've never met a Nova" he says slowly

I keep silent, not saying another word. I know I couldn't of just imagined her. She had to be real. She had to be.

"Okay, how about we go get some food? Maybe that'll help" he mumbles


I kept quiet the whole time we drove to five guys. I just couldn't wrap my mind around this. How did none of them remember her? I just don't understand how they could forget her.

"Hey, you okay?" Austin asks

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine" I says

"I guess that nap you took was pretty intense?" He questions

"Nap?" I question

He nods with a curious smile graving his features. I turn my gaze outside of the car, watching the scenery pass me by.


"Alright, I'll go order" Brandon says as we all wait

From the corner of my eye, I notice something, more like someone familiar. That same face, making me do a double take. Making everything stop around me. Making me completely entranced with her being.

I walk away from the group and slowly up to the girl with her arms crossed and waiting for her food.

"Hi" I say with a smile

She turns at the sound of my voice, a small smile playing at her lips.

"Hello" She says politely

"I'm Zion" I say holding out my hand

"Nova. Nice to meet you" She says shaking my hand

When our hands touch, I hear a slight gasp fall from her lips. Her eyes then snap up to mine making everything stop once more around us.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't mean to stare but have we ever met before?" She questions curiously

I wanted so bad to say yes but I also didn't want to seem like I was crazy. She surely would then do anything to avoid me at all cost.

"No, no I don't think so" I say

"Oh, that's a shame" she mumbles pushing a piece of hair behind her ear

It falls silent between us as we both stare into each other's eyes. Savoring the moment before it's ruined by her friend.

"Hey Nova, we gotta get going" she tells her with a smile

"O-Okay. I'll see you around?" She asks meeting my gaze again

"Yeah" I smile

As she walks away, I make myself back towards the boys who were all watching the encounter.

"How's it go?" Nick asks

"Good" I answer

"Did you get her number?" Edwin questions

"Don't worry, I'll see her again" I smile

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