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"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Claire questions

"It's just friends hanging out Claire" I shrug

She brushes it off even though it looks as if she wants to say something. I nod it off before we both walk into the coffee shop.

"There they are" Claire says dragging me along behind her

I follow behind her quietly as we make our way to the table.

"Heyoo!" Edwin yells

"Could you be any louder?" Zion says rolling his eyes

"I could" Edwin shrugs

"Okay then. Hey guys" Brandon says greeting us

I smile as Claire blushes. We both slide into seats before putting in our orders.

"So, what have you guys been doing all day?" Austin asks

"The usual" Claire answers

"I'm guessing pillow fights and girl talk" nick says in a girly voice

"No actually. Believe it or not, not all girls are that stereotypical" I roll my eyes

"Idiot" Claire's laughs

"What about you guys?" I ask

"Studio mostly" Austin answers

"All day?" Claire questions

"Pretty much" nick shrugs before catching sight of what he just said, causing us all to laugh

"Anyways, what did you guys wanna do?" Claire chuckles

"We can do bowling" Austin shrugs

"Lets go then"I say jumping up


"Still can't believe we have the whole bowling alley to ourselves" Claire says looking around in amazement

"I know. It's so weird" I tell her

"Remember, we only have about an hour before you have to be home. I don't need your dad and your brother hassling me. Especially your dad" Claire shudders

"Don't worry. We'll be done soon" I roll my eyes

I go to grab a ball as nick puts in everyone's names. We had all made a bet to see who would win. I said Edwin but of course, I was also rooting for Claire seeing as how she always beats me when we come here.

"You guys ready?" Brandon asks

We both nod before throwing on some bowling shoes and getting settled in the lane.


"Sorry Guys but it's time we go" Claire says pulling me away

"What? No! Why so early?" Edwin whines

Me and Claire both look at each other trying to figure out what to tell them. Before Claire can say anything, I beat her to it.

"Family game night. My dad would kill us if we are late. So bye!" I yell as Claire drags me away

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