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After the concert, we had all met back up. The concert was pretty great. Seeing everyone enjoying themselves and seeing the boys loving every second of being on stage. It was truly amazing.

"How'd my girl enjoy the show?" Zion asks wrapping his arms around me

"I loved it. You did amazing!" I yell turning to hug him

"Good. How about I clean up and then we can go get food?" He suggests


"Where's Claire ya again?" Zion questions

"She's with Brandon. She said something about a date? I believe" I shrug

He nods, throwing himself on my bed. I smile before grabbing my Chinese food from the bag.

"When did you guys get in?" He asks sitting up beside me

"A little after five. Austin and Brandon came and picked us up" I explain

"Makes sense" he nods

I turn on she's the man as we get comfortable with our food. For some reason, I kept dropping my rice on me, ruining my shirt.

"You're such a mess" Zion chuckles

"Oh hush. I'll be back, I'm gonna change" I say getting up to grab a shirt

Once I'm changed, I go back to my bed.

"Hey" Zion says getting my attention


"So, I know this is crazy and everything but I just have to ask" he says slowly

I give him a look before telling him to go ahead.

"How would you like to join us for the rest of the tour? I know it's crazy seeing as how you just got into remission but I love you and I want you-"

"Zion, calm down. I would love to join you" I smile

*fair warning, the next chapter is the last chapter of this book. I will try to make it long but we shall see*

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