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Silence is heard throughout the cold doctors office. I feel shivers as the cold air brushes my bare arms. The door suddenly opens, revealing the doctor. It stays silent as he carries my chart in his hand. He takes the empty seat beside the bed I was currently sat on.

"How are you today, Nova" he questions softly

Right then, I knew he didn't have good news to give. He was beating around the bush to try and spare my feelings.

"How bad is it?" I ask straight forward

He releases a sigh before setting the chart on the desk behind him. He then turns to sit directly in front of me, taking my hands.

"It's not too bad but it's back. We need to start treatment back up as soon as possible. I'm so sorry, honey" he says squeezing my hand in comfort

I can feel everything stop. My heartbeat, my breathing, everything.

"When should we start?"

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