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"What was that about?" Claire asks handing me my ice cream

"He asked me for my name and that it was 'fate' that we ran into each other twice already" I say shrugging

"Seems like someone is interested" she says giving me a look

"Like that would ever happen" I chuckle slightly

"You never know Nova" she sings


"Have you told your brother about you're plans?" Claire asks

The ice cream parlor had quickly gotten packed by endless amount of kids begging their parents to buy them some. Thus, having to move our conversation towards the park.

"Not yet. I think I'm gonna talk with him about it when I get back" I tell her

She nods in understanding. It falls silent between us as we watch everything around us.

"You've got to be kidding me" Claire says making me scrunch up my eyebrows

"What?" I ask her

She points towards a dog on a leash but I quickly move my head upwards to see the group of boys from earlier causing my face to flush slightly.

"Wonder what a third time means" Claire jokes

I glare at her slightly as she starts laughing quite loudly at me.

"Twice in one day and three times running into each other. What are the odds" I hear someone muse behind me

I take in a deep breath before turning, connecting our eyes together. I can see the group of boys looking closely at both me and Claire.

"Funny. I think now it would seem as if you're the one stalking me" I joke

The group chuckles along before it becomes silent once again.

I hear someone clear their throat, clearly Clair being the one since she also hit my arm a bit.

"Right. This is Claire and I'm Nova" I say introducing us

"Zion, Brandon, Edwin, Austin, and then Nick" Zion says introducing us all

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