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A few weeks later

"Nova! Have you seen my black sweatpants!?" Zion yells from upstairs

My eyes widen a bit, looking down. You see, I had stolen his sweatpants after I had taken a shower. Whoops?

"No!" I yell back

"I just had them right here. Austin! Did you take my sweatpants bro?" I hear him yell again

I lock my phone, trying to be as discreet as possible. I was trying to make my escape without being noticed but of course, nick had caught me red handed.

"It's not even us! Nova has them on!" He yells stick in his tongue out at me

"Thanks a lot. You know, you used to be my favorite" I roll my eyes

"Sorry" he chuckles running upstairs

Not too long after that, Zion comes running down the stairs with a determined look on his face.

"Why'd you take my pants?" He pouts

"Because they are comfy and I didn't feel like going through my bag and putting mine on" I shrug

"So you just took mine?" He asks

I look down at my legs and then back up to him "basically, yeah"

The look in his eyes turns from determined to playful in seconds. He then grabs me by my thighs and hoists me up over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I giggle

"I don't feel like it. Maybe I'll just throw you in the pool" he chuckles walking out back

"Zion don't you dare!" I yell kicking

"Oh but why babe?" He asks

"You know why! Now put me down" I yell

He still doesn't listen as he makes his way back into the house. He runs up the stairs, making me feel sick until I'm laid on a comfy surface.

"Now, can you please give me my pants back?" He asks looking me in the eyes

I put on a thinking face as continues to stare "nope" I giggle

He then takes it upon himself and starts tickling me.

"Stop!" I giggle

When he doesn't, my legs start flailing around. You see the thing is, I hate being tickled. When someone tries to tickle me, it usually doesn't end well for them.

"Ow, Ow!" Zion yells letting me go

"Ha! Serves you right" I say leaning away from him

"Y-You kicked me in the balls" he groans

"And you tried dunking me in the pool, made me feel nauseous, and then tried tickling me to death. So really, it's your fault" I sass

He continues to groan until I eventually give in. I pick him up, laying his head in my lap, trying to get his mind off the fact that he just got kicked where the sun doesn't shine.

"I'm sorry" I kiss his cheek

"Nope" he says pointing towards his lips

I roll my eyes before connecting our lips. Of course, it lasts longer than intended to but then again, I'm not really complaining.

"Thank you" he smiles pulling away

"Yeah, Yeah" I roll my eyes

"You know, we have to tell your dad eventually and my fans" he says rubbing my cheek

"I'm more worried about telling my dad" I say laying down on his chest

"It'll be fine. I just- everyone is getting suspicious about our relationship, y'know"

"Our relationship? When did that happen?" I muse

He smiles at my amused face continuing his playful starring.

"I was hoping you would officially become my girlfriend?" He questions

"Hm, me your girlfriend?" I say pretending to think about it

"Or not?" He frowns

"I'm just kidding" I grab his face, bringing his lips to mine again

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