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"Dad, I swear nothing happened. Can't you just drop it?" I groan out

He had been questioning me repeatedly after seeing me and Zion together. He didn't appreciate the fact that we were alone in my bedroom together.

"Why were you two in your bed? You know how I feel about you and being alone with boys. You also just got out of the hospital Nova! Do you just not care?" He exaggerates

"Dad! Of course I care. Nothing happened okay? You're making a big deal out of nothing" I tell him

He sighs running his hand over his face. His face had been red from the yelling and was just now, cooling down a bit.

"Honey, I'm just worried about you. I don't want to take any chances. I don't want to lose you too" He sobs

"You're not gonna lose me dad. I promise. I'm better now. The doctor even said so" I hug him

"I know sweetie but I still worry. Especially when you're around those boys. You never know what can happen" he scoffs

"Dad, they aren't like that. I can assure you. You also haven't even given them a chance. You can't just judge them off of one little mistake" I retort back

"Nova, you're so gullible. You don't know them the way you think you do" he laughs

"You're my dad. I thought I knew you but obviously I don't"


"Hey" Zion greets

It was officially Friday which meant my date with Zion. After the craziest week of my life, I could finally sit down and enjoy being out of the hospital.

"Hi" I hug him

"So, I hope you don't mind but I was thinking bowling bowling? Not the most original date but it's a hell of a lot of fun" he chuckles

"Sounds good to me. As long as we can grab pizza after I kick your ass" I say taking the passengers seat

"There's no way you're beating me in bowling bowling" he rolls his eyes playfully

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