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Jean's P.O.V

I'm on our veranda, just smoking, It's still the day when Gale broke up with me, I was still hoping, wishing, and praying that he will take it all back.
But now, It's 9:50 PM, still no text from him.
I guess it's final.

I am thankful that it's a friday night.
I am honestly super stressed, I didn't drink because I know that It's not the greatest Idea to drink while you're on a high location.
I am pretty sad about our break up, but I WON'T kill myself because of him, I know that this day would come, but I just ignored it.

But again, I'm pretty aware.


Athena messaged me, thank god.
I was craving some messages, I might not reply that much, but I atleast could appreciate some message.

"Hey, Jean, I know that you're really upset right now, I just wanted to say, I'm here, Marie is here, Kayla is here, even Dianne is here! You could atleast talk to us WHEN you actually feel like it, I'm very much aware that you don't wanna talk too much about it right now, I was just saying that I'm still here for you"

Look at this sweetheart, Ann should be thankful that Athena still tolerates her bullcrap.

The guy that she's with should also appreciate her, she's not most man's 'Ideal' girl, but you won the lottery if you have her as a girlfriend.

Cute, smart, funny, kind, ambitious, not materialistic, not a gold digger,, when it comes to the beauty standards, of course some girls are prettier, but when it comes to selflessness, she's the winner.
I feel like she's the type that would die for someone she just met.

Anyways, I replied to her.
I told her "Thank you"
I spoke to her for a bit until she said goodnight.
It's 10:10 PM now, didn't really noticed.


Who is this?
Oh, Rob.

Rob: Hey, why are you still awake? Get some sleep, It's bad for you to stay awake this late.

Rob, I'm sorry, but I'm really really stressed out right now, I just wanted to take a time off from all my contacts that knows Gale personally...that means half of my friends.

Rob: Look, It's fine, but what I was saying is that, maybe, It'll help if you just take a little nap, It doesn't have to be a fulltime sleep.

Rob, I'm telling you, after a long day, this is the best that I can do, I'll stay awake rather than have nightmares about my now Ex boyfriend.

Rob: Okay, I understand that, just remember that I love you and that I was just looking after you.

Okay, good, I know that you love me, but please, I need some time, I don't wanna think about it for now.

Rob: Okay, okay, I get it, I'm not forcing you too say 'I love you too', I never did, sorry, I was just really concerned because It's probably hard for you.

Good, just leave me for now, I just wanna stay up all night for now.

Rob: Okay, bye, goodnight.

It's hard to say all of those stuff to him, I was really lost, at this point, I'm just crying, I stopped smoking, I just went straight to my room and cried.

I can't believe this is happening, I was just so baffled on why, WHY ME?  What did I do to deserve this?.

The Short Love Between Jean and RobWhere stories live. Discover now