New Year, New Life

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Jean's P.O.V

I missed my friends, and I missed talking to Rob, we haven't spoke since Christmas Eve.


I probably should check on him.

Hey Rob, how are you?

Rob: Hey, is this Jean? I'm Rob's cousin...

Um..Okay? Where is Rob?

Rob: He is kinda busy right now, maybe later? I don't even know, maybe he will tell you everything?

Wait, what? What's happening?

Rob: look Jean, I am not the one who should be telling you the details, so let Rob tell you himself.

Okay, I understand, bye.

Rob: Okay, bye.

What the hell was that about?

I don't feel good, AT ALL.

I just tried to shrug it off as Anxiety, but I really feel uneasy.

"Hey Jean, breakfast is ready" I heard my mom call out from downstairs.

"Okay! Thanks mom! I'll be there in a second" I replied, I didn't want her to feel that something is wrong.

I brushed my hair with my fingers and just wore my slippers.

When I went downstairs, I saw a the table full of foods, then It hit me, It's New year's eve.

"Hey mom! Good morning!" I hear someone say, I turned around and saw my little sister.

"Hey Jannette! Good morning sweetheart!" my sister ran around the dining room and hugged mom.

I smiled a little, I didn't wanna ruin this happy moment for them just because of Rob's situation.

"Hey Jean, why don't you sit down already and eat with your sister? I'm pretty sure that you're hungry already" my dad said, I just did sat and ate.

While I was eating I spaced out a little bit, still worried about Rob, until I noticed a tiny hand reach out to my plate and put an extra cupcake.

I looked to my side and saw Jannette smiling and giggling.

I laughed and just ran my hand on top of her head.

We continued eating.

I finished and I got up to check on my phone.

Nothing, still no messages.
So I tried to be busy by blasting Helena - My Chemical Romance and dancing around.

I got bored eventually and just went upstairs to try to sleep again.

Then I heard my phone.


Rob: Hey Jean, how are you?

I'm fine, but where are you??

Rob: I'm sorry but I can't tell you yet, I just wanted to say I love you and I'll always be with you, no matter what, It doesn't even matter that we can't see each other yet.

Rob, what are you saying? You are scaring me! Tell me what's wrong.

Rob: Jean, listen to me, I don't wanna worry you too much, but I'm just gonna say this as early as possible, I am sick, I am currently at a hospital in another country, but don't worry about me, I'll be fine.

Wait, what? Rob, please, tell me.., even If you don't, just please be okay! Take care of yourself.

Rob: I will, take care of yourself okay? I love you.

Okay,...I will, I love you too.

At this point, I am crying and all.
I wiped my tears when I heard my sister's little footsteps coming towards here.

"Hey Jean! Can I use your computer!!? I wanna play game!" I'm not in the mood to be an annoying big sister right now, so I'll let her.

"Sure" I turned on the computer for her and went to type the website.

I got up and went to my closet to pick out an outfit, I'm planning on going to the mall right now.

I just went with a big red T-shirt, ripped jeans (Haha JEANs), black sneakers, and a beanie.

Took a bath and wore my underwear and then my clothes.

I decided to message Athena and Kayla and tell them to come with me.

ImAPrincess-BOWDOWN: Hey! What time are we going?

KAYLA-AT-YOUR-SERVICE: Hmm, hey Jean, when are we suppose to go?

About 10:20, It's already 8:50  so you betta go and get ready

ImAPrincess-BOWDOWN: oh, I got ready too early, well then.

KAYLA-AT-YOUR-SERVICE: As always, hahaha, m'kay girls, byee!

I decided to check my instagram but then my mom called me.

"Hey Jean, where are you going? I see that you're all dressed up" my mom asked.

"I'm going to the mall with my friends".

I finally got there and saw that Athena is already at the food court waiting for us.

"Hey Athena! Over here!" I exclaimed.

She got up from her seat and walked towards me, look at this girl, she is so extra when it comes to clothes.

She is wearing skin toned color high heels and a long striped dress that stops at her  ankles.

She is wearing her earrings of course.

"Hey Jean! Long time no see!" we hugged.

"Yeah, It's been a while, I just got home from my hometown" I sat at a chair across from her.

"let me cut to the chase Jean, why did you decided to go to the mall today?" Athena looked at me, worry is present in her eyes.

"I..I just got a message from Rob saying that he is currently at a hospital on a different country and that he is sick" I just told her the truth, no point lying to her.

She was about to say somethinf when Kayla appeared.

She is wearing a blue shirt with a white jersey, acid wash jeans and sandals.

We just got uo from the chair and walked towards Kayla.

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