Christmas Party

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Jean's P.O.V

What should I do? What should I wear?
Hmm....Aha! I'll just match with Kayla.

I picked up a denim jacket, black converse, black shirt, and skinny jeans.

For makeup, I'll wear my contacts and pink liptint.

All done!!!

I got to the jeep early in the morning, and went straight to school, Rob saw what I was wearing, I sent him a picture earlier, he said it was cool!.

I slowly got out of the Jeep, went pass the gates and walked upstairs.

Huh? I hear noises inside our classroom, do I hear... Anaconda - Nicki Minaj?

I peaked at the small crack at the door.

Athena is dancing inside, she was doing splits, spins, and is also currently belly dancing.

She is wearing a camo shirt, jeggings, and high FREAKIN' heels.

I barged inside and watched as she stop for a second and danced again, but now, I joined her fun.

We danced for a while until I got a call from Rob.

For the very first time, I will hear his voice!.

Rob: Hey!

Hey! Oh my gosh, I finally get to hear your voice!

Rob: Yeah, same, I DID NOT expect your voice to be this tiny! Hahaha

Rob!! Stoooop

Rob: haha, okay okay, I'll stop, where are you?

I am currently dancing with Athena, we are currently inside our classroom

Rob: Oh! I wish I could attend your prom, I would offer you to dance all night, I will only look at you, and only you, you'll be the goddess that I always dreamt of...

Rob...that was so sweet...I wish I could be with you right now, I just hope you wouldn't hide from me.

Rob: haha...I really am sorry, I'm just not confident enough to show you my face or even let you come near me.

No matter what you look like, I'll accept you, aslong as you keep me happy and contented..I'll always be here for you Rob...I love you.

Rob: J-Jean..I..I couldn't put my happiness into words, you finally said it and I finally heared it, I love you too.

Hey, don't worry about it, I love you, I have to go now, I wanna talk to you more, but I have to go do something, bye.

Rob: Okay, love you, bye.

End Call

Oh wow, That was, fulfilling, I'll always treasure that call, luckily, I have this habbit of recording each and every call I have with the people that I love, just incase I feel lonely or sad.

It always works.

"Hey Jean!! Nice outfit" I hear someone, I looked up from my phone and saw, the one amd only Kayla.

"Hey Kayla!!! Omg! You look awesome, well...we are matching so, gotta praise you"
I joked around.

We just laughed and walked back inside the classroom, but I noticed that Marie is already inside.

"Oh hi Marie! You finally showed up!" Kayle greeted Marie.

Marie has always been that kid in school that you only see about twice a week or three times a month.
But she is really smart, It's just that she has to do something, she is busy managing things at her household, she is independent!.

"Well, Of course she would be here! We are planning on going to the mall after the party! Wanna come?" Athena offered.

"Really? What do you say we take the offer?" Kayla asked.

"sure!" and with that, I took the offer.

Kayla is currently doing her eyebrows, while Athena is cleaning her glasses but ALSO fixing her lipstick.

Marie, however, is just playing some cool games and is also listening to music.

Mark and Cleode is also playing a game.

Tricia is with her friends that stabs each other in the back anyways, so I don't really get why they still hang out, they hate each other.

I went towards the empty chair beside Kayla's chair, what a party, am I right?

"Hey, haven't spoke to you in a while, you were busy with something" I started.

"Yeah, I guess so, but either way, I'm not the only busy one here, I've been observing all of you from afar while doing my project, seems like Athena is having troubles with her family, Ann is not here anymore, Mark is always thinking about Camilla, Cleode is still daydreaming most of the time, Tricia and Jason seems like they are planning on getting back together, and you seem like you've been facing love problems the past few months" Kayla stated.

Hmm..not really aware of half of the problems that she stated, but I guess she's right.

"Well, you see, It's not easy to just love someone after a heartbreak, but I overcame it, and I am going to say this again, loving Rob is one of the greatest thing I've done this year" I explained

"I understand that, don't worry, you see, I have never been in a relationship, I've been too busy with trying to impress my parents, just like Athena, but the difference is that, she wanted to love and break free, but her emotional state is unstable, sometimes, she could be attached to someone, but sometimes, she feels nothing for the person, she wanted to break free from her parent's ideals, from herself, and from the whole system, but me, I just embrace it, no matter what happens, I'll try to just forget the things that I could be doing right now, I have never given my heart to someone before, so I would suggest you don't pour your heart out all the time while loving someone, leave something for yourself" after Kayla finished her speech, she hugged me and went to talk to Athena.

The Short Love Between Jean and RobWhere stories live. Discover now