Chapter Twelve

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Clive gets a call later that evening from a reputable breeder asking him if he would have his mare bread? He had never thought about it and even though he and Callie were just settling in the area and he could still ride her while pregnant up to a certain point he let the idea role in his head. The breader was new in the area and was contacting all the major stables and followed any leads to have his stallion known with the Andolusian populace. Clive scratched his head and thought about it some more. Just then Owen pops his head in the office door and looks at his brother " what's up! You look deep in thought?" Clive just sighes " I just got a call from a breeder that has moved to our area and would like to breed his Stallion to Callie if I would be interested?" Owen's eyebrows arch in surprise " are you thinking aout this seriously?"

Scratching the back of his head he sighed " I woulder if I should pass it by Tabatha to see if she can do some research for me into this guy to see if he is as reputable as he lets on to believe?" Owen just agreed and then asked his brother " when is Tabatha starting to come to work for you? I know that she resigned from her job yesterday since Matt our farrier told me while riding. I guess that you two haven't ironned out any work schedules or start dates, salaries or anything like that yet? Do you know how much you will offer her for her position?" Owen not waiting for his brother's response pulls out a file that he had been holding onto. " Clive dear brother I have come to save the day. I have in my hot little hands some paperwork from my stables with what we pay for a person in Tabatha's position as well as job expectations and other items that may be of help and interest for you. Hey just to ask you randomly are you naming this facility something different or haven't ironed that out yet?"

Clive running his hand through his head yet again looks at his brother " Owen I have so much to do and don't even know where to start? I may have to hire you as a consultant to help me make this place as successful as yours." Owen looks down at his brother with a smile " what am I going to do with you? Of course I will help you launch your endeavour off the ground and you don't need to hire me that is what family is for!" Clive looks at his brother and picks up the phone and while dialing " Owen, what you up to tomorrow? Can you pop in here around 8:30 or earlier? I am about to ask Tabatha to come in for a meeting around then and I thought that we could go over some of the ideas that I have and start putting some stuff together. Do you have a spare laptop I can borrow. I need a printer as well. I won't have the time to get that stuff by tomorrow morning and I need something to start with." Clive pleaded with his brother all the while having his hand on the phone dialing Tabatha's number. Searching his brother's eyes he gets a nod and proceeds to finish punching in the rest of the numbers and the phone starts ringing at the other end.

Tabatha was looking at her phone and the caller id was a number she didn't know? " Hello this is Tabatha how may I help you?" While she was waiting for an answer she was thinking to herself whom could this be? The voice sounds familiar but there is something different about it so she leans into the phone to hear clearly. Like a lightbulb in her head she kneew whom it was and why he was calling her . 

After her discussion with Clive she was meeting him at nine am with Owen in the office for a serious discussion about the business and the direction it was going to make and the how it would fit in the scheme of the equestrian world. She sighed after hanging up. I knew that this would be a challenge but heck not willing to back down from one she thought of doing a little bit of her own research in order to bring something substantial to the meeting tomorrow morning. She headed off to her office and firing up the computer she started looking at other centers in Australia to see what they had to offer and how they could compete with some of the higher end dressage complexes that were cropping up all over the place.  Looking at the clock on the wall she hadn't realized that she had been up until 1 am but figured that she had enough amunition to help them start on some ideas and share the knowlege that she had acquired from doing all of her research. She shut the lamp off on her desk and charged her laptop for tomorrow and thought she should pack up her printer and a few necessities just in case as well as some office supplies just in case.

She then headed for the shower and washing her stress and nerves away she was thinking on how Clive was really business like with her on the phone and wondered if he had gotten the all important message that she was off limits. Work is work and private is just that private she thought as she got into her pj's and then off to bed. Tomorrow was going to be an interesting day. Plus she thought that she would go the adgistment extra early to spend some precious time with Morgan before the meeting so she could calm her nerves. Morgan was occupying her thoughts when she finally drifted off to sleep.

Clive couldn't be more awaie if he'd had 2 pots of coffee. He was staring at the ceiling and just rolling ideas through his head as to what to do about everything when his thoughts drifted towards Tabatha.  Sighing he just turned onto his side and tried to think of other things and then thought of Callie. Should I get her pregnant or not? Would this be the right time or not? So many ideas were flooding his mind that he didn't realize that the clock was still turning and giving it one last look he saw that it was 3 am and with no sleep in mind he just put the comforter over his head and closed his eyes and finally sleep took him over.

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