Chapter Four

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     After getting dressed, Tabatha borrowed her friend's hair and makeup talents and let herself be pampered for the night ahead. She noticed how Christine was putting a lot of extra attention on her hair and eyes for the evening. She was none to pleased about the blouse with the plunging neck line and changed the cowboy boots for some low cut boots that were more comfortable for dancing rather than her not yet broken in enough coyboy boots. Looking at her reflection in the mirror she twirled and looked at the finished product and went to see Matt to see what his opinion on it all the while watching for Christine's reaction since she was not aware of Matt's secret.

     "Wow" Matt stated after she walked into the room. "I knew that you looked fantastic under all of those layers of clothes and joddy's but didn't know you looked that good!!" Matt shook head when Tab walked in the room. He couldn't get over how people can overlook her natural beauty and verve for life because she doesn't fit in a size 10.  Tabatha was stunning and the look on Christine's face was of sheer pride as he knew that she had done a wonderful job on preparing her friend for a night of fun. They all headed out in Christine's car since she had more room to fit everyone in and there would be no reason to leave so many vehicles behind. Plus they could share a cab togther and come back to Tab's for the night so she wouldn't stay alone.

     Nearing the bar, the country music was blaring out of the speakers and people were hooting and yelling all over the place and this put everyone in the party mood. As they all walked in, Tabatha was shocked to see so many people she knew and didn't always have the time to chat with because she was always running errands or doing some other horsey related chore. Catching up was a great thing at least you knew the people you talked to had already something in common with you. Made life that more easier.

     She walked up to the bartender and ordered a Coors Light and a beer for both Chris and Matt when a guy came up to Matt and shook his head asking "Someone over there told me that you are the local ferrier are you taking on more clients currently? I know that this is short notice but I just hauled my mare accross the country and she lost a shoe during transport and needs to have that put on asap. Could you come and see us tomorrow or the day after?"  Matt scratching his head just thought about his schedule quickly and offered his business card that he was carrying around in his wallet. "What's your name and what kind of horse do you have?" "

     After a brief pause, "Clive Heath and my mare is a purebread andolusian with one white blaze under her forlock not that you could see it with her forlock touching the tips of her nostrils." Matt just grinned, Clive furrowed his brow wondering why the farrier asked him such an odd question.  "Clive, do you see that stunning redhead over there by the bar? She just dumped the biggest looser because he asked her to choose between him and her horse. Can you beleive that?  I don't know what you status is but you would put a huge grin on her face if you would come with me over there and tell her what bread your mare is. I will quickly tell you why, she loves, no adores andolusians and I know for a fact would give  her left arm to see your beautiful mare. What'd you say?


Clive's POV:


     After Matt pointed out whom Tabatha was to me he had no idea how I had fallen hook line and sinker for the beauty. There is no way that this man could know that I had always a soft spot for bigger girls because I believe that there should be something to hold onto when I hug a woman and she had all the curves in the right areas and man she was a stunner.  My breath caught in my throat I simply looked at Matt and said "lead the way my fine fellow, lead the way." 

     Matt quickly introduced us and had an impish look on his face because he had the biggest secret to tell her and she had no clue what was going to happen to her next.   "Tabatha', Matt said," I want you to meet my newest client as of 5 minutes ago, his name is Clive Heath and he just moved to the area and asked me to come and tend to his mare tomorrow morning. Would you like to come along and be my helper?" Tabatha just frowned and laughed at Matt and said "Matty, I love you dearly but aren't I a little old to be playing the farrier's assistant?" "Well that depends if the farrier's newest client owns a black andolusian  mare." He paused for great effect.

     Then like a cold shower washed over her she beamed and shivered and smiled that million dollar smile of hers aimed at Clive and he just thought his heart couldn't take it anymore. "Tabatha I would love for you to come to my stables to see my girl. Would you do me the honor of saving me a dance as well?" She beamed at him and even Matt was so surprised that he wasn't even trying to play match maker and it happened all by its self. 

     Clive had not expected this at all, after a messy divorce and strangely enough for the same reasons that Matt had told him where Tabatha's he thought as he smiled to himself that he had found a kindred spirit. Little did he know that she would turn his whole world upside down.


Tabatha's POV:


     I can't believe my ears, an ANDOLUSIAN wow I can't wait to see her tomorrow. They are such captivating horses with their long flowing mains and tails and heavily muscled bodies and presence I was taken aback because no one around here owned one. That Clive is something else too, jaw dropingly gorgeous and those blue eyes, like looking at the sea with flecks of navy in them and some light blue flecks as well. I could loose myself in their depths. Sighing internally, I just grabbed his hand and told him that I would save him a dance for sure.  

     What is up with Matt grinning like an idiot over there. He sure looks pleased with himself. I am glad that they are staying the night with me tonight so if something happens my knight in shining armor can come to my rescue again. I just giggled softly to myself and smiled again as I caught Clive looking at my direction again for the fifth time tonight. He is so hot I know that I am not in any way for a new relationship so soon after Damian but heck I am not going to look a gift horse in the mouth either. I should go and mingle around and meet some more people here. I am in my element around horse people and the beers are going down quite smoothly. 

     I hear the bars of my favorite Toby Keith song, Red Solo Cup playing and I grab Chris's and Matt's hand and head out to the dance floor to shake my stuff and let my hair down.  As I sway to the music and enjoy the laughter that my friends and I share, I have the sense that someone is watching me again and it's none other than Clive Heath. What is up with that guy. He couldn't be into me could he? Oh well I hope he enjoys the show. I start twirling around with Matt and I notice that Christine is watching us with a huge smile on her face. I just laugh heartily and continue having a blast.


Clive's POV:


     I can't take my eyes off of her, the way she sways to the music and the way she smiles and laughs just makes my insides hurt. Like something is stirring deep inside my soul. Something that has been asleep for a very long time.  I am so staring and watching and she seems to notice me watching as she smiles to me from time to time and then waves me over to come and join their little group on the dance floor.

      I couldn't resist. I had to go and join that red headed beauty and if at all get my hands on those curves. I sighed internally and walked over there with purpose and smiled genuinely to the group and Tabatha held out her hand to me and I took it with ease.  The funniest thing happened, I felt an electric current connecting my hand to my heart and I knew those tingles from long time ago but shook my head and tossed them asside and continue to dance.  The music changed and a slow song started and as Tabatha started pulling her hand away from mine I just held on firmly and told her that I would be honored if she would dance with me.  She accepted. I felt like a kid on his first date.  She said yes yahoo....

     I held her close and managed to put my hand on the small of her back and she laced her hands around my neck and we swayed back and forth to the sound of soft music and promisses never kept and broken hearts. She leaned closer and layed her head on my shoulder and I triedd to slow my heart because I don't know if she could hear the hammering of my heart against my rib cage and felt the same tingles as I did but man she was hot. I wanted her so close to me and not let an ounce of air between us. I felt her breath on my colar and her hair smelled of berries and almonds and her light perfume was so subtle but yet so intoxicating that I breathed her in and didn't want the song to ever end. All the while wondering if she felt the same.


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