Chapter Six

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     Matt sighed as he picks up all of his tools and before walking away, Owen asks " Umm Matt, do you have time to come back this week to do a few more horses? My regular farrier has become a little bit hard to get a hold of and we have more than 15 horses on the property and there is always someone that needs something done. I also have my own 5 that need shoeing on a regular basis."  

     Matt scratches his chin, " Owen, I won't lie and tell you that I have been busy as heck since the showing season has begun but I am always looking to do extra work during the week since my weekends are always booked solid. I am free most Monday's through to Wednesday's. So I suppose I am available those days if that would suit you guys?"

     "Perfect" Owen Chirps. I will put your name on our information board with a sign up sheet and it I can get 3 or more horses to be done on a single day I will give you a call if that is alright. That way it makes it worth your while. I suppose you could bring Tabatha along if she isn't busy so she can come and visit with Clive."  Matt chuckles again, "If Tabatha comes it won't be to visit with Clive it will be to visit with Callie. She is completely in love with that mare!" Owen chuckles in return, "Not if Clive has anything to do with it. That boy is hell bent on winning Tabatha over because weather he is willing to admit it to me or to himself he is falling hard for your girl over there." 

     " Owen, I think that Tabatha is plenty smitten with Clive as well but she just got out of a rotten relationship with a guy that had the gall to ask her to choose between her passion and him. I don't need to let you know that he lost." Owen scoffs. "Clive just got his divorce barely finalized last week because his wife was so jealous of Callie that she threatened to cut off her long mane and tail and Clive lost it and told her to leave. The worst part is that he let her have everything except for Callie and his pick up, trailer and her equipment and a handful of his clothes."  Matt  laughs under his breath, "I guess they have more in common than either of us thought.  I appreciate the business that you are throwing my way. Here is my business card with my rates and mobile number. Owen don't hesitate to call even if its for an emergency shoeing or if you need any advice or anything at all." 

     "Much appreciated Matt." Owen states as he unhooks the cross ties holding Callie in the hall ready to lead her out to the paddocks outside for some much needed fresh air. As the pair walk away, Matt walks up to his truck in time to see Clive and Tabatha in another passionate embrace and clears his throat again. " Err, Tabatha Umm, I guess I will start the truck."  Tabatha sighs, " Bye Clive I will see you tomorrow. Again thanks for today. You do realize that this will be hard to top after this."

     Much to Clive's chagrin he agrees. " I feel like anything after today will be a disappointment. I will have to bring on my A game for our date tomorrow night. See ya Tab." He nods to Matt as the pair drive off. He turns to walk towards the barn and bumps into his brother who has the widest smile  on his face. " No wonder you were such a space cadet last night. I suppose you won't be much more use to me the rest of the day. I have never been tackled down by a woman for letting her ride my horse let a lone kissed like that just for seeing my horse."  

     Clive just pats his brother's back and putting his arm over his shoulder's just sighs. "Owen my dear brother you have met the future Mrs. Clive Heath." Owen just laughs, "I have never seen you so certain of anything in my entire life and for some reason I know you are telling me the truth. Do me a favor won't ya, just don't rush into this like you did with your ex please she really took you to the cleaners."  The joke is on her. She doesn't realize that as soon as she remarries she looses everything per our pre-nup agreement. Why do you think I left without making any fuss. She can't sell the property or anything on it without my lawyers consent." 

Tabatha's POV:

      One Direction's What makes you beautiful blares in the speakers of her little car and she sings along belting out the chorus as she is heading to the local market to pick up some groceries and supplies for the house. She is totally in the best mood that a person that can be.  Repeating the chorus as she parks the car and turns off the motor still singing at the top of her lungs. People are looking at her as they walk by. She laughs at herself and doesn't care because nothing at this point can change her mood. Without realizing it she had tempted fate. She is suddenly snapped out of her daydreams by knocking on her window and she just turns to look at the window still smiling as she winds the window down.

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