Chapter Eleven

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Tabatha got in her car and left for work extra early and parked in her usual space and the office looked rather quiet and she thought that she would head off to her desk so that she could start packing it quietly. This would give her a chance to grab all the extra stuff that she had around the office that the had been slowly bringing into work everyday over the last 5 years. She knew that her quitting wouldn't go well with her bosses so the thought of being walked out of the office made her get a box in the storage room on the floor that she worked on and start packing up her locker first and once she had made 3 trips to her car she realized that she had most of the stuff out of the office. Someone grabbed her arm and she spun on her heals and looking at the person squarely in the face she smiled " Good morning Seth you early or what?"

He just sighed and looked at the box full of picture frames and saw her mug with Morgan's picture on it and looked up at her with a knowing look. "You are leaving aren't you?" She smiled at him " Seth I can't get anything passed you can I?" He offered to hold the box while she opened her car trunk and saw that there were two other boxes in the trunk full of personal items. " I knew that you weren't a lifer like me. When are you leaving?" Hesitating, " I am giving my resignation today." Passing his hand though his hair, the look on her face showed that she didn't want to go through the resignation part but that she was heading somewhere better.

" I was hoping that we could at least go on a date before the end of the month? I was just taking my time and was trying to get to know you and be suttle but seeing that you are leaving I thought I have nothing to loose, so...Tabatha what do you say. Would you go out on a date with me?"  She smiled and walked up to him after putting the box in the trunk and kissed him on the cheek surprising him. "Seth that is the sweetest proposal that I have had in a while I would love for you to take me out. Do you have your mobile?" He quickly hands her his mobile and she puts in her mobile number. He was so excited that he had a chance that he beamed. " Let me know how things go with the bosses after you let them know that you are leaving?"  She smirks at him. "You just want the gos don't you? I should call you the office gossip then?" He smiled back and leaned to her kissing her on the cheek and said " Yup that is me the office gossip, in between playing with my calculator and crunching numbers all day long. Good luck and I hope to take you out on that date soon."

They walk in the office together and share an elevator. He presses the button for his floor and then she presses the button for her floor and they wave to each other as he gets off on his floor. She heads back to her desk and with the last box that she grabbed from storage she heads to the kitchen and grabs her kettle and her breakfast items out of the fridge and other condiments that she had in the cupboard including the dishes that she had brought from home so that she could bring that box before her shift started. Once that trip was done she looked at her desk and she had a few pieces of stationary there and pens but since they were all company items she just would leave them there. She checked her drawers and packed her other momento's and final items from her desk and stared at her computer and started removing the pictures that were on the walls surrounding her cubicle. Six boxes of crap in the car later she boots up the computer and starts writing her resignation letter. She was done in fifteen minutes and she sent it to herself in her personal e-mails and printed a copy which she would personally hand into her boss that would be heading into the office in ten minutes.

She signs onto all the other computer programs that she needed to log into before taking her first call of the day. Working for an insurance company was not what she was planning on doing for the rest of her life but none the less it paid the bills and for Morgan and the mortgage of her house and the car. She was hoping that she was not going to regret working for Clive. There it is again that fluttering in her stomach every time she thinks of him. He causes her to have those pained butterflies more often just by looking at her and the electric currents that her skin feels every time he touches her drives her crazy. She loved the feel of his skin against her but she shook her head shaking the thoughts out of her head. Business is all the relationship that she was going to have with him from now on. Plus she thought as a side thought that she could start dating Seth. Sighing she knew it was because it was safe. She felt comfortable feeling safe and that is what she needed right now.

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