Chapter 14

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Callie was quietly munching on her hay when Clive arrived and he then realised that she had been fed. There was a note in his tack area and as he approached it to read it his heart was fluttering just thinking of Tabatha and how she invaded his thoughts and how he enjoyed the afternoon with her.

Picking up the note he read it and his smile grew larger and larger. "Clive, I hope you didn't mind that I Fed Callie tonight since you were in your office working I thought I would feed her some hay. I didn't feed her any pellets because I am not familiar with her diet but I hope if you aren't working to late if you would join me and Morgan in a trail ride so you can see what this property really has to offer. Tab"

Like lightening was chasing him, Clive grabbed all the equipment he would need to get Callie ready for the ride and then himself. While his mare was munching on her hay he brushed her and picked the dirt out from underneath her hooves and started to tack her up when she raised her head to neigh loudly in greeting to a horse coming up the laneway. Clive's head just bobbed up in time to see Tabatha on Morgan's back riding him along at a slow walk. She spotted him and waved. Clive's heart lept in his chest as he hurried up his pace to get ready in no time. He quickly put on his riding helmet and his boots and proceeded to tighten the girth as Callie just gave him a knowing look. She complied to his every silent demand and knew she was getting ready for a ride.

Clive almost panting wth impatience tied up the last of the buckles on Callie's bridle and then hoisted himself on her back. Just in time to see the back end of Morgan heading towards the trails. He urged Callie on and with his 6'4" frame and long legs he had no problems getting things done. She picked up her pace and they met up with them in no time. " Tabatha, wait a minute" he gasped trying to slow down his panting breaths. She turned Morgan around just to see a red faced Clive catching up with Callie trotting up the hill to meet them. She smiled at the pair. Seeing Callie always shining always brought a smile to her lips. Clive wasn't bad either. While she was waiting for them to catch up she turned back facing the trail and started to move Morgan along at a snails pace. The pair caught up easily enough and Clive was breathing a little heavier but was catching his breath.

They walked up the trail and though their horses were beside one another they kept their distance to be safe until both horses could assess each other and be comfortable in each other's presence. Tabatha broke the silence. "Clive, what do you think so far of the trails?" He smiled at her and looked around taking in the surroundings and let a breath out that he had not realised that he had been holding. "I am going to be enjoying this peace and quiet more than you realise." Just as Tabatha was about to move on, Clive tugged at her hand. "Tabatha, we have to talk. I know I pushed you and lost my chance with you, but I can't help but feeling bad for hurting you so much." He sighed when nothing passed her lips so he continued. "I don't understand how someone as beautiful as you can not see yourself as clearly as you should. I know that I'm like a bull in a china shop always trying to fix human emotions with horse logic but I'm afraid that is what I know and do best" Still nothing had passed her lips and Clive was beyond nervous at the silence that was enveloping his body and soul. Still holding onto her hand he looked up at the arm and then at the person person to whom it was connected too and what he then saw took his breath away.

Tabatha had tears streaming down her cheeks and she was trying to rub them away with her other hand that was holding the reigns. "I am so sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean to do it again. I am such a thoughtless jerk can you forgive me?" She sniffed and cleared her throat. " Clive I am not crying because I am feeling hurt or pain, I am overjoyed with the manner in which you apologized. Of course your forgiven. I don't get many of those every day and I appreciate that you took the time and the heart to make sure I was ok." Without a moments notice she leaned in her saddle and kissed Clive on the cheek. He turned his head at that exact moment and she kissed him on the lips. Fireworks exploded in their veins as the tingling sensation didn't stop but they deepened their kiss and suddenly had to come appart as their mounts decided to walk away while their owners were distracted. Letting each other go and continuing the ride in amicable silence Clive heart just burst with happiness.

Tabatha just analysed the events in her mind knowing that this could turn out very badly if things went south. Concern was written all over her face. "Clive can you get off Callie and I will get off of Morgan so we can talk about what just happened. I have a feeling that we need our feet to be on firm ground for such a discussion." They both dismounted and Clive just reached for Tabatha's hand and se did not give in willingly but he held it just the same. He sighed afraid of something like this. She cleared her throat again and let out a heavy sigh. "Where does this leave us? I don't want anything to affect our work relationship should this turn out being something we should have left well alone". He cupped her chin rising her head so they could look into each other's eyes. "Sweetheart I meant every word that I had said that night and I do love you I am so in love with you that it even drives Owen up the wall. He tells me to constantly shut up about you. He also warned me that my behavior that night would have driven away a fleet of women. I am so sorry for everything still. Will you forgive me and perhaps give me another chance?"

She stared into his gorgeous blue eyes and watched as the wind swept through his heir and marvelled on how just moments ago he could escape the dreaded helmet head and look like a page off of GQ. Her smile faltered when she looked into his eyes and saw the sincerity and the love that he held there for her and knew she would do this. She leaned in and kissed him and he didn't respond at first and then like reality settled into his mind he was kissing her wth so much passion and warmth she had wondered where had he been all of her life. His arms wrapped themselves around her waist holding her closer to him and his breath was stolen by the simple act of her kissing him. They pulled breathlessly apart and he took a strand of her hair and whispered in her making her shiver. "I am so in love with you and will wait until you are ready to return me those words how ever long it takes. I won't rush you into anything yoy are not ready for."

Clive was about to say something else when his stomach growled loudly interupting the mood of the conversation. "Um Tabatha, would you mind going out for tea with me?" She smirked. "Sure no probs but we have to get the horses sorted out first and then go and grab a bite. I am not in the mood for anything fancy tonight. I have to go to bed early since my slave driver of a boss wants me to come into work early every day." Clive laughed. "Let me help you up on Morgan and we can make it to the yards before sun sets. Whom ever is done first gets to pick what we will be eating." After the duo mounted their horses they were off like a couple of racing teenagers and Callie won the race easily but Morgan put in his fair effort. While Tabatha walked down the hill to her yard. Clive patted his girl and took out his cell phone calling up his brother. Owen answered on the third ring and was told everything that happened on the ride.

Owen was rendered speechless. He groaned. "Owen what was that for?" Again groaning Owen answered his older brother with three letters."PDA" Clive frowned not understanding what is brother was on about. "Owen I don't now what PDA stands for? Can you shed some light?" Owen's answer was clipped. "Dear brother get wth the times. Public Desplays of Affection". Clive just roared. "Little brother you have nothing to worry about. I am a gtown man and can control myself thank you very much." Owen scaughed at his remark. "I am wiling to put money on the line that says you can't." Laughing like they did when they were younger. "Owen I have to go but tomorrow morning you and I will discuss the terms and get things sorted out about the bet. Owen chuckled. "You are so on".

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