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⚠️warning swearing and a bit of blood⚠️

Le Peter Parkers POV

One word.


You see today school was really getting on my nerves because of one person Flash Thompson, The school's arsehole also know as the guy who likes to pick on 'Penis Parker'. I could easily take him on but I don't know my own strength and as strange as it sounds I don't want to hurt him, even though he hurts me.

A shout of my name gets my attention as I look up.

"Mr Parker! now for not listing, I want you to answer the question on the board" I scan my eyes over the board and quickly pick up the answer

"Um 36.4+89.65 and this divided by 40 would be 38.64125 so that makes the equation equal 78.6345" (I have no clue what I just written so just go along with it)

"Very good but count yourself lucky Mr Parker"

Time skip to the end of the day because the author is too lazy

3rd person POV thing

A slam to peters locker makes him jump and turn around.

"Penis! nice to see you again" Flash's voice shouts out making some students look over but quickly turn their heads. 

"You know parker you really annoy me sometimes like in maths class, you think your so smart don't you?"

"I was just trying to do my work now please can you move so I can go" A push back into the locker tells Peter he cant go. Suddenly his spidey senses go off but Peter just pushes them aside then a punch to the face tells him he shouldn't of.

"Don't talk to me like that parker, take that as your warning" And with the flash is gone and Peter is left to pick his stuff up.

"Aunt may I'm home!!" No answer.

"Aunt May?" When all peter gets back is silence he panics and starts to search the apartment, under all the panic inside him Peter didn't feel his senses go off.

"One more move kid and you're next" Slowly turning around peter sees a man in a mask holding a gun up at him but that was least of peters worry's, behind the man laid aunt may slouch against the wall a hole in her chest and blood leaking out of it.


"Oh her she's dead shot her about an hour ago she's long gone kid and there's nothing you can do about it." The man snickered and cocked his gun. 

"Now any last words?" Anger started to approach Peter and he ran at the man screaming, taking his gun and kicking the man full force backwards's he was out like a light. Dropping the gun and running to aunt mays body peter crouched down and checked for a pulse. nothing.

"Maybe I'm doing it wrong. Please, aunt may just wake up" Choking on tears Peter started to shake her body.

"Aunt May! please! you can't leave me you cant I'm begging you" Taking his phone out peter called 911

"Hello 911 what's your emergency ?"

"My Aunt p-please help!" Peter could hardly speak or move everything was happening so quick.

"ok I need you to stay calm what's happened" stay calm?! how was I supposed to stay calm my aunt is laid dead in front of me Peter thought

"s-she has been s-shot, not b-breathing help"

"ok say on the line we are sending people out now" but Peter couldn't he dropped the phone and held his aunt's body.

'I need to go if they come to get me ill go into an orphanage and they might want a blood test or they might find about spiderman'

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