Good pool?

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Ok, so Two chapters in a day what!?😱 ye I was feeling generous today count yourselves lucky🙂

💓Peters POV💓

After waking up from my nightmare I decided I needed some fresh air

throwing my suit on I walked out into the living room thinking of a prank

"Hey, guys! oh wow isn't the view amazing" walking over to the open window I pretended to look out

"be careful Pete we don't want you to fall-" I cut caps sentence short as I pretended to fall out with a fake scream. Everyone ran to the window and looked out with panicked shouts.

Eventually, I started laughing and stuck outside the window right were thor was

"Peter you scared us don't do that again!"

"sorry Mr Stark" I smirked and kicked the window gently making thor jump back

I laughed more but stopped when I slipped quickly grabbing onto the window with both hands

Smirking Mr Stark looked at me "come on kid come inside" I shook my head no

"I'm going out on patrol ill be back for two.. in the morning that is" before Mr Stark could protest I started to swing away.

"I am confused why does the son of stark stick to things did he spill something on himself or did he eat too many pop tarts"

*👀time skip brought to you by Trivago👀*

(also wade is 17 Peter is 16 and wade doesn't have his scars YET don't attack me😖)

It just turned twelve when I heard footsteps behind me, quickly standing up a put my hands up ready to attack

"Woah Woah, calm down baby boy just me I'm not going to hurt you"

Deadpool. great

sighing as I sat back down, I looked to my right to see Deadpool sit down next to me

"what do you want Pool"

"I just wanted to say hi to my favourite spider that's all" looking back at him I spoke up

"Hey, Pool can I ask you a question?"

"you just did"

"well can I ask two more"

"you just di- never mind go on then" laughing I looked down

"why do you kill people"

It was quiet for a while until he spoke up

"they do bad things really bad things and... they deserved to be punished"

"but you could just put them in jail" he looked at me making me feel weird?

"because if they go in jail they don't suffer"

"Well, hear me out, when you kill people you are ending there life instantly but putting them in jail is making them suffer for years"

"I never thought of it like that... gosh, I've been doing the wrong thing all this time!"

He put his head in his hands and sighed "how do I be like you spidey... your life is perfect"

I scoffed making him look at me "my life ain't perfect Pool I just act like it is if anything its fucked up"

"how so?"

hugging my knees close to me I looked ahead then to Deadpool "Everyone I love dies... My Parents, my uncle ... and then my aunt. I have no one left a-and the thought hurts, sure I have people around me who care for me but they're not my real family you know? t-then I get these thoughts of how I-I should just be with them but... but people need spiderman, not me"

I whispered the last part feeling tears run down my face under my mask, suddenly someone hugged me and that set more tears off.

I hugged back and started to quietly sob after everything that's happened all I needed was a hug, for someone to listen and that's what was happening now.

After I started to calm down I tried to wipe my eyes from under my mask but failing. I looked at Deadpool then Looked down blushing probably turning the colour of my suit.

"I-I'm sorry I just needed someone to listen a-and... thank you"

"don't worry about it baby boy, I'm always here if you need to talk"

smiling I looked back at the view

"so you really want to change?" I asked

"ye, ye I do I want to do whats right but I don't know how"

"well ill help you but we need to sort a few things out"

Standing up with Deadpool following I pointed at his guns and swords "first we need to get rid of these but not forever just wile your training, second, we need days and times to meet up and when we do you will come out patrolling with me, no killing"

"wow spidey you sure like being bossy" I smiled and shook my head

"meet here tomorrow at 6 don't be late" and with that, I swung off

Landing back in the living area I was surprised everyone was sat there, pulling off my mask slowly I walked in the middle in front of everyone.

"um, everything ok?" they all snapped their heads at me obviously not seeing me come in, how is that even possible?

"Oh we just wanted to wait for you to see if you were ok" Mr Stark patted the spot next to him and I sat down

"just tell me the truth, Mr Stark" he looked at everyone then at me

"the social workers came about 9 just after you left, they want you to go into care Pete" I knew this was going to happen they don't want me who would?

"and I told them no" silence, "I told them that I'm keeping you but for that to happen... Pete, you have always been like a son to me and pepper and I spoke, we want to adopt you"

I sat there shocked for a moment "wait what?"

"you don't have to kid but-" I cut his sentence short and hugged him

"I would love to! but only if that's ok with you" I quickly pulled away remembering Mr Stark doesn't like hugs

I was pulled back into the hug "of course I'm fine with it kid"

Suddenly I yawned and everyone laughed "go get some sleep kid we will talk more in the morning"

Nodding I headed towards my room thinking about all the events today but mainly about Pool...

Ayyyeeee you guys happy now huh😝? spidypool!🕸 I loved writing this tbh 💕

Another Question of the day🤳: Should wade go to Peters school? 🏢

Another fun fact about Marvel🌻: Loki is beautiful. end of the topic😙.

Also, I couldn't think of a title so excuse the shitty one 💩

Also, I couldn't think of a title so excuse the shitty one 💩

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