He's spiderman?

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Before this chapter starts🖐 you need to know that, yes Ragnarok happened🔥 but Asgard was brought to earth🌎 and he whose name should not be spoken🍇 hasn't come yet ok? OK👌


"so you must be peter nice to meet you"

"h-hi I um t-that's m-me"

Peters POV

OMG, I'm stood in front of the Avengers, like ye I fought them in Germany but I was spiderman then, now! its peter parker meeting the Avengers

[fanboy mode on]

<hey and fangirl>

[ye i know]

"I'm guessing you already know who we are young one or shall we tell you?" A tall muscular man walked up to me, also know as thor Odison the guy everyone has a crush on. (bi-Derman bi- Derman)

"O-of course like your the freaking Avengers everyone knows who you are y-you guys are amazing and I'm such a big fan so is my best friend he would freak out like right now I wouldn't be surprised if he fainted heck I feel like I'm going to faint now a-and I'm going to shut up"

Well done peter you just embarrassed yourself in front of the Avengers. stupid.

A laugh from Mr Stark makes me look up at him "what are you laughing at old man?"

Gasping and putting a hand on his heart, well arc rector "kid you wound me you really do" laughing I apologized to Mr Stark then looked back at the Avengers going to my awkward state.

"so tony want to tell us why a kid is here" a dark-skinned man spoke up also known as the falcon.

Do I tell them I'm spiderman or do I keep it a secret? Looking at Mr Stark he looked at me with a comforting look in his eyes.

"it's up to you kid you can tell them both reasons or just the recent one"

[id say both, Pete, you can't keep it a secret for long]

<ye plus it would be awesome>

what would they think though?

[dont worry it will be fine]

"um well, r-recently well yesterday actually was it yesterday?" I asked looking at Mr Stark

"um no it was actually Wednesday you were passed out for a while" (its Friday now) welp didn't know that

"oh.. well anyway Wednesday my a-aunt passed and I'm not going to say much detail but Mr Stark literally saved my life" I looked down not wanting to cry in front of my heroes

I was about to talk again but someone spoke over me "kid we are so sorry to hear that, but why are you here what about your parents?"

<oh wow bruce banner sure knows how to comfort people>

shh he's still amazing

"m-my parents are dead and I don't really have anyone else so Mr Stark took me in"I watched as Bruce looked down guilty. shit.

"but I'm fine I was pretty young at the time so.." I started to fiddle with my hands

"a-and another reason why I'm here is that Mr Stark has helped me a lot and one of the ways he has helped me is he made my suit and everything he ev-"

"kid what do you mean he made your suit"I looked at Captain America and sighed

"its best of if I just show you" mumbling a curse word I walked towards the wall and started to put my hands on it then my feet.

"um kid I don't think you should do that-" Hawkeye stopped talking as I slowly started crawling up the wall.

once I got to the roof I let go of my hands and stood up- ish?

gasps were heard around the room as everyone started to put things together

"he's Spiderman?!"


"awh cool, I want to do that"

"omg I hit a kid"


"this child of Misgard interests me"

"YOU BROUGHT A KID TO OUR FIGHT?!" that one line got my attention, jumping down I stood next to Mr Stark and looked at him.

"well I know I made a mistake but the kid could handle himself he kicked your arse" laughing a Mr Stark I looked at captain to see that he was not happy. at all.

"no tony you not only brought a kid to fight the Avengers but you forced him into this mess, he's a kid! he should be at school not fighting crime." now this pissed me off!

"sorry sorry can I speak?!" everyone looked at me including captain America, staring at him a spoke

"you! don't get to talk to Mr Stark like that, you don't get the chance! you tried to kill him and second its not Mr Starks fault I'm like this I was like this way before he found me! if anything he's helped he's given me a better suit and everything. so no! don't shout at him or even talk down to him because he is one of the most amazing people I've ever met and you shouldn't ruin that."

<go peter>


Captain shook his head and looked down "listen kid, you don't know him like we do he's made many mistakes and I don't think you should be following his footsteps, just go out while we talk maybe think about stopping Spider-Man your to young"

<maybe you should calm down before you speak>

shut up

walking over to him I lifted my fist and punched him in the face hearing a crack, he stumbled back a bit and looked at me with shock.

"not following his footsteps!? if anything I would love to, you just can't get out of that thick head of yours and look at YOUR mistakes! you're a mess and you know it! Mr Stark may have done bad things in the past but so have you! so leave me and him alone while you're here because you don't want to piss me off more!"

walking away I stopped at Mr Stark "ill be in the lab working on my web shooters" he smiled at me and nodded.

"I'll be down soon kid"


welp peter's pissed😡, let's just hope he can stand living with Mr. america

question- Winterwidow🕷 or stucky🌹?

Fun fact about marvel💐- I have none😕 so a little fact about me🤡..... there are none so um ignore this💩.

 there are none so um ignore this💩

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