+The Unexpected trip

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**This is after the snap like about eight months after**

**Longer than the usual chapters**

Ps. I haven't checked over this so sorry for any later mistakes.

😍Peter's POV😍

Chemistry+ Plus satan cover teacher + fake ass bitches (Except MJ, Ned and Wade) = Double hell. Everything was fine and dandy until the cover teacher, Mrs Hopper was on holiday (How dare she leave me) announced the surprise field trip for Friday. I know what your thinking 'Its a field trip why aren't you happy about this Peter'  Well let me tell you, on my last field trip I gained some weird powers that caused a bunch of shit in my life! and I would be able to deal with the field trip but I can't, why?

BECAUSE IM NOT FUCKING GOING. Apparently, my attendance is to low and the amount of times I've skipped class also affects my chance of going, my grades may be good but my attendance isn't. WELL MR 'I KNOW EVERY EQUATION' YOU CAN SHOVE YOU FIELD TRIP RIGHT UP YOUR ARSE! Not like I care, I get to spend a full day with Mr Stark and the Avengers so I would like to see your stupid field trip beat that.

Time skip to Friday- Morning

7:02 AM

Waking up at the sound of banging on my door and then shouting I opened my eyes but closed them again as soon as the sun tried to burn them out of my eye sockets. Hissing loudly I pulled the covers over my head and fell back to sleep.





Rolling my eyes at the bickering of the friends I stumbled out of my bed and towards the kitchen forgetting about my iron man onesie that I had on.

"Aw Pete cute onesie I'm honoured, kid" Staring at Dad in confusion for a while I looked down and spotted the red and gold onesie that resembled the iron man suit. Turning a deep red I tried to glare at him as I pulled the hood up over my face trying to hide away but it only causes everyone in the room to coo. 

"Shut up!" Stomping over the kitchen cabinets I opened them up looking for the cereal.

"Above your head Pete" Looking up I spotted the cereal boxes and tried grabbing them but missed, with a huff I jumped up trying to grab one of the boxes.

"I CAN'T REACH!" Everyone laughed and awed at me making me frown more.

"Someone help me!!" Mr Strange (Yes he is here, him and Dad went on there first date last night after the snap) walked over and patted me on the head with a smile as he grabbed the cereal for me.

"Give me" Reaching out to grab them he held them above my head giving me a pointed look.

"What's the magic word, Pete?"

"Give me the damn cereal?" With a raised eyebrow he stared down at me.

"Please give me the cereal" Handing me the box I jumped up and ran towards the fridge to grab the milk. After making my self a bowl of cereal, finally, I sat down in the middle of Dad and Mr Strange

"So kid you've toured a group of students before right?" Nodding at him with a confused look I could feel some of my hair fall down into my eyes but Mr Strange reached his hand out and tucked it behind my ear, smiling at him I thanked him and looked back to Dad.

"Well I need you to lead one today for me, I know you wanted to spend the day with us all, specifically me but I have a meeting and there are no other interns to do so"

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