The big push

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^Credit to me again^
I hope you're ready for this chapter people... 😥

😎Tony's POV😎

I started with a loud bang, a loud bang that woke me up but it wasn't just a bang it was more of a boom then screams followed after making me jump up and run upstairs.

"What's going on?" I shouted over to Steve as I grabbed his arm. He then looked down at me with a terrified look and whispered.

"He's back" Knowing who 'he' was I quickly walked over to the big screen window of the compound and there he stood in all his purple grape glory. Telling Friday to open the door for me I stepped towards Thanos ignoring everyone shouting for me to go back or to at least put my suit on. Idiots.

"Stark, It's a great pleasure to see you again but It surprises me to not see you dead" Feeling my self getting angrier by the second I shook my head trying to calm my self down.

"Why are you here? to kill us?" He laughed sending a shiver up my spine.

"Your time will come Stark but not yet, I'm simply here for... a visit." Getting ready to assemble my nanotech suit I pushed the urge away waiting for a good time.

"Why did you do it? Why did you kill all those people?" He held the gauntlet up to his face with a smile.

"The population was increasing and as it increases we lose resources I had to stop it."

"You murdered innocent people!" Looking at Thor with a smirk he looked back at me.

"Not all were innocent. A child, your child once said with great power comes great responsibility I think you should understand that Stark" Not being able to hold my anger in I stepped back and called my suit, feeling it form around me I pointed at Thanos with my mask down.

"HE WAS JUST A KID?! HOW COULD YOU? DO YOU KNOW HOW IT FEEl'S TO LOSE YOUR KID?" He looked down with a sad look and I glared.

"I do, I understand how that feel's very well Stark. I lost a child to" Scoffing I pointed at the glove.

"Yeah, you lost your kid because you killed her for a fucking rock! you killed your own daughter and it wasn't mercy it was cold-blooded murder" Anger flashed across his face as he shouted.


"So you murdered your own daughter because you thought it was the right thing huh?" Silence followed after giving me the signal to talk again.

"I had to stand there as the people I just met, my friends, THE PERSON I LOVED turned to dust and after they all left? my SON begged me to save him he held onto me and begged to stay, I couldn't do anything apart from assure him everything was ok but it wasn't was it? because he was dying. DO YOU NOT FEEL BAD FOR ANY OF THAT?!" Shaking his head he turned around opening a portal.

"So you're just going to leave, coward. Come finish what you started. Fight" He turned around looking at me with a dark look in his eyes as he closed the portal.

"You want a fight Stark, you'll get one" With that weird looking ships fell down from god knows were and opened.

🙃Peter's POV🙃

"Hey Mr Strange" 

"Ye kid?" I could see him look at me from my place on the cold orange floor.

"How did you even meet my dad? because it seems like you guys have met before" He laughed and sat next to me.

"That's because we have I think he said something about you sending him a voicemail about meeting a wizard and he just had to see himself, we defiantly didn't get along at first can you imagine? his ego mixed with mine? but we started to agree on things and then we just started to meet up from time to time I guess?" Sitting up and stretching my arms above my head I laid my head on his shoulder.

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