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over TWO thousand 🤯people have read this book thank you guys so much!👾 here's a filler chapter because I have something big planned☻ (not really just using this as an excuse to have more time to think😖)

Just want to say thank you to @SCommonSense for the red and blue idea


🍫Peter's POV🍫

<so I have an idea>

[oh no]

<what if we kill Steve?>


<maybe..... yes>

[we can't hurt him that would be too much]

<why I'm pretty sure Pete broke his nose>

guys no killing ok?



you know what you guys should just be called red and blue

[and whys that?]

because your calm like an ocean and always good, well sometimes, and Ella is crazier and would just do anything like fire.

<I would say I'm offended but I'm not>

[you have a point]

so now you both have two names! Jax and blue and Ella and red

<I'm fine with it>

good learn your names and learn to love them because I'm not changing them

[yes boss]

<Okie lokie>

did you just- you know what never mind

I stood up from my desk in my room and looked around.

The walls were blank but the bedsheets have iron man on them, Tony's choice but I still like it.

There were three doors in my room, one that led to a bathroom, the second one led to a walk in closet which was now filled and the last one led outside. There was also a desk in my room but the room was still plain.

I walked outside to hear laughing down the hall and angry shouting, me being the curious person I am thought I would sneak and see what's going on.

climbing up the walls and on the ceiling, I made my way in the living room to see all the Avengers in there.

Sam, Bucky, and Clint were playing Mario cart while the rest were scattered around them. I made my way over to were the three were playing and start to lower my self down slowly.

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