The police and the b*tch

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so fudging sorry people😖 I have left you all for like three weeks and I'm sorry I have no excuse💩. something you need to know about this chapter if words have these around them <> [ ] these are the signs of the voices in peters head <>this one is mainly the aggressive one were this one [ ] is nicer.


🥞Peter Parkers POV

I woke up with someone's arms around me, I froze trying to everything before I fell asleep.

Gun. Aunt May. Falling. Tony

I looked up to see Tony with his head laid back asleep mouth slightly open, he looked at peace when he was asleep he seemed all of his problems were gone.

My mind wonder back to Aunt may, was she happy where she was or was she sad well whichever one it was I miss her and sometimes I think it was for the best because she's safe where she is and she is with uncle Ben but I want them to be with me but I cant.

Or I could be with them...

It's pretty simple but would they want me with them?, probably not it's my fault they're gone and it will be my fault when Tony goes I know it will be it's just my luck.

Everyone I love dies but that can't happen if I'm not here anymore.

If I'm gone they can't go, well they can but you get my point.

" Hey, kid you up?" I jumped, startled by the voice but I hit something

"Ow! fuck"

shit. shit. shit. I just hit Mr. Stark

"omg Mr. Stark I'm so so sorry I didn't mean to!" I moved opposite to Mr. Stark to see his nose bleeding.

[way to go, Peter, well done you idiot cant do nothing right!]

"don't worry about it kid I shouldn't of scared ya' like that, it's my fault" he stood up and picked up a tissue to wipe his nose, I looked down at my hands feeling guilty

[you should feel guilty you made his nose bleed and now he probably hates you] go away

[nope, sorry Petey but your stuck with me until you learn how to get rid of me don't ask who I am, I don't even know myself] great!

Grabbing hold of my head I brought my knees up to my chest [whats wrong Petey, something bugging you?]

ye you now piss off! [feisty]

argh, fuck off! [fine but ill be back]

I laid my head back and looked forward

"h-hey Mr Stark"

"ye kid?" Mr Stark walked over and sat in a chair in front of me.

"I um w-wanted to say sorry for being so much t-trouble but thank you so much I would be d-dead because of you, l-literally" I mumbled the last part and looked down at my hands finding interest in them.

"you have nothing to be sorry for and don't worry about the falling thing it was nothing" I nodded at him and turned my head spotting a door, I then look around to see we were on the medical floor which means it shouldn't just be us in here.

"Mr Stark were is everyone?" I slowly stood up and walked over to the table changing into my normal clothes not caring that Mr Stark saw.

"oh the workers I sent them out didn't want them to see you in your suit and I know how you want to keep your identity secret " he walked over to me and stood beside me while I got a drink.

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