Your late+ Spidypool

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So some things might not make sense but honestly, I don't care any more.

Wade finds out about Peter being part of the half that got dusted and it doesn't really turn out well, but it will in the end.

Infinity war+ Endgame just no deaths

Wade's POV

It wasn't the same without him. I lost control.

"He's gone, Wade"

I remember that day, people had just started disappearing and all I could think about was him.

"What do you mean he's gone?"

Deep down I had a feeling he didn't make it but I didn't want to believe it.

"He's gone. He's dust"

Ever since then I couldn't control my anger, I started killing again. Some for good reasons, some for fun and some were just a reason to let my anger out. I've let him down but why does it matter? he's gone.

Sitting at the edge of some abandoned building I scoped my surroundings, everything was at peace, like something had suddenly changed. The snap was a couple of years ago (I honestly can't remember the time skip I did so just go along with this) and honestly, It's been a painful couple of years. I miss Peter. I miss his stupid cute laughs and his stupid cute face I just want him back.

"It's not fair" I whispered to no one.

"He didn't deserve it, nobody did!" Standing up I kicked a random can that was laying about. Ripping off my mask I wiped at my eyes fiercely.

"I just want him back..." Falling to the ground I wrapped my arms around myself and let all my emotions out. It's a Tuesday afternoon and it just turned six, usually, by now I would be with Peter out patrolling with him but since everything happened I've been spending my Tuesdays and Fridays alone. I spent every day alone.

"Ok Wade you can't mope around all day, you can do this." Trying to give myself a little pep talk I stood up and dried my eyes.

"He wouldn't want you to..." Staring down at my mask I let out a big sigh and put it on but just as I was about to run and jump to the next building my phone rang.

"Who the hell?" Reaching for the device the was ringing I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the screen, nearly dropping it seeing the contact name that was calling. Eventually, it stopped ringing and I stood there frozen to the ground. The phone shook in my hands as I unlocked it.

*Ping* Two new messaged from... Baby Boy

The notification popped up on my screen and suddenly reality caught up to me, quickly opening up the notification I read the messages in disbelief.

Baby Boy❤: Hey where are you? 

Baby Boy❤: You're late!

Baby Boy❤ is typing...

Baby Boy❤: If you don't hurry up and get here soon I'll leave

I shoved my phone in my pocket and ran to my destination with the hope that he will be there. As I jumped to the roof of the building me and Peter usually met on before we went on patrol and looked around for his blue and red spandex. Pulling the mask off my face to help me get a better look I twirled in a circle.

"Peter?" Then I spotted it, in the dark leaned up against the wall was him, he had a new suit on and his mask was off leaving his hair messy.

"What did I say about being late? You know I'll just leave-" I cut him as I pulled him into my arms.

"You're here..." I barely whispered out as I buried my head in his shoulder, I could feel him wrap his arms around me tightly as he whispered into my chest.

"Yeah I'm here Pool" Pulling back slightly I checked over him to make sure he was ok then smiled brightly down at him.

"You're ok?" He nodded and smiled back up at me with that damn smile, that adorable smile that I had missed and wanted to see for so long.

"God I missed you" Pulling him into a hug again I spun around with him in my arms and laughed happily, he laughed loudly and tightened his arms around me.

"Wade!" Stopping I put him down and let go slightly.

"Sorry Baby Boy, I just missed you" He shook his head and gave me a cute smile.

"I missed you to idiot" I couldn't believe it he was actually here, he was safe and in my arms. At that moment I knew everything was right, the boy I loved was back and looking as beautiful as ever.

"Wade? everything ok" I guess I must have been staring a while because his voice brought me back to reality.

"Never better" Then I did what I've been wanted to do for years. Leaning down I planted my lips on his. Smiling into the kiss I could feel him smile back as he wrapped his arms around my neck and I pulled him closer if it was even possible. Eventually, he pulled away with a bright red face and I laughed lightly.

"What's so funny?!" 

"Oh nothing, I just find it funny how I can make you blush so easily" He punched my arm gently and tried to get out of my arms, still with a bright red face.

"Aw come on Baby Boy It's cute" He eventually gave up on escaping and hid his face in my chest.

"No, it's not..." He mumbled.

"Hey Pete" As he looked up with a pout on his face I bent down and gave him a quick peck then whispered.

"I love you" Watching as his eyes widened I smirked as he blushed brighter but he suddenly caught me by surprise as he pulled me down and kisses me gently.

"I love you to Idiot"


I didn't really know how to end this so I'm sorry if it isn't the best ending but at least I actually posted a chapter :)

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