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"You sure you ready for this?" I looked up into his eyes and even though we were in total darkness, I could tell he was looking back at me. "Yeah, I'm sure. Let's just get this over with."

I know every girl says they want their first time to be special, shit, I said I wanted the same thing for myself. But here I am, 18 years old and still a virgin. Not to mention that I'll soon be heading off to college in less than a month.

Not saying that being a virgin at this age is a problem, you can even say that before this I was the one to praise a girl who kept her virginity and even praised myself. I'm just tired of all the comments I get from everyone around me. They call me stuck up, too conservative and everything else in that nature.

I always said their comments didn't get to me, but I guess they did. Being that I'm here, laying in this bed with a guy I'm willing to give something I held dear to my heart and cherished. My virginity.

This wasn't any ordinary guy, though. It was my bestfriend. Chris and I went way back. He's one of those friends that you've known so long that you forget how you met them, but you always remember them being around.

I didn't have a boyfriend at the time so I figured why not Chris? Besides him being cute, he was also very charming. He was the type that could get you to do anything he wanted you to without saying much. Just one look into those brown eyes and you're instantly put under a spell.

I saw past all his tricks, but these hoes out here just couldn't resist him. Each week he has a new chick on his arm and a new one in his bed every night. So now I ask myself, why Chris?

Why can't I just wait for the right person to come my way so I could give myself to him? Why am I in such a rush? Truthfully, I don't know any of the answers to the questions I'm asking myself constantly why I'm laying here in his bed.

I guess I just think that maybe, just maybe, there's a small possibility that he'll be willing to change his ways and see that what he's looking for is me. I know they say you can't change someone unless they want to change, but every situation is different, right?

I guess I just caught feelings.

Feelings ( A Chris Brown Story )Where stories live. Discover now