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I knew I had to get out of Chris' house, and fast. On my way home I couldn't keep him off my mind. We always caught ourselves flirting on occasions and in all the situations, I never thought anything of it. But this time was different.

I actually felt something and in that moment I was wishing that he would've just leaned in a little closer and that our lips could've actually touched. As much as I wanted it, it feels weird to actually feel these things for Chris.

I mean, he is my bestfriend and I would never want to give him the impression that I have feelings for him because I wouldn't want to ruin what we already have. But I also feel like this will pass and what almost happened between us will be forgotten about just like the other incidents.

Besides, Chris and I would never work. He's not the type to be tied down and I for sure am not dealing with his line of hoes that would be ready to jump down my throat. It's bad enough that they already give me looks at school and nothing is even going on between us.

I just think for now that I need to separate myself from Chris. Maybe this will help me figure out whether or not what I felt was real, or if I was just in it for the moment.


The next day at school and for the rest of the week I did my best to avoid Chris. It was hard, of course, because we practically had every class together and every chance he got he came to talk to me.

I kept our conversations short and sweet and always had an excuse to get away.

It was finally friday and since my parents were gonna be gone for the weekend, Chanel and I decided to have a little sleepover at my house.

"So I'm just gonna go home and get some clothes then I should be over there around like 4." Chanel said as we walked to our cars. "Sounds good, just text me when you're on your way." She nodded her head and got in her car.

I started walking further down to get to my car and just my luck, Chris was parked right next to me getting into his car. I was hoping he didn't notice me, but he did.

"Hey Tiff, what's good?" He said. "Um, nothing." I walked to my car and put my bag in the backseat. "What you got planned for the weekend? I was thinking we could hang out or something?"

"Well Chanel and I will be at my house if you and Ja wanna come through." He started to chuckle and I was confused on what was so funny. "Nah, I meant we as in you and I. But if you chilling with Chanel then I guess the two of us will stop by later."

"Oh, yeah. That sounds good. I'll see you guys later then." He came over to hug me and then got in his car. "Imma just hit you up when we on our way." I nodded and he drove off.

Usually when Chris tells me he wants us two to hang out I don't think much of it. But something was different about this time, or maybe I'm just over-thinking things. All I know is that I need to prepare myself for tonight because who knows what could happen.


This past week I noticed that Tiffany was very distant when it came to me. I decided to wait til the weekend to see where her head was at, which was the reason why I wanted just the two of us to hang out, but I guess I'll just have to pull her aside tonight at her house.

As soon as I got home I hit up Jacquees real quick to tell him that I'll be there to pick him up in an hour and from there I got in the shower and got dressed in something more comfortable.

On my way to Ja's house, I stopped at the store to grab some snacks. Tiff never had the shit I liked at her house. I started smiling at the thought of her name, I really couldn't tell you why. Sorta just happened.

I paid for all the stuff and told Ja to be outside. Once I got him, we were on our way to Tiffany's house. "So ya good and shit?" Jacquees questioned. "Yeah, we was always good. Guess she just had some other things on her mind." He nodded his head and shortly after I pulled into her driveway.

"Yo, what's in the bag?" Ja came up to me and revealed two bottles of henny. We both grinned and dapped each other up. "Time to turn up!" He said before ringing the doorbell.

Soon after Tiff came and opened the door and welcomed us both with hugs. We walked in and saw Chanel sitting in the living room. From there, Ja didn't waste no time. He got right to business and got some cups and sat the bottles on the table.

"You joining us?" Chanel questioned Tiff. We all knew she didn't drink but we always asked just in case she would change her mind one day. "No, I'm fine." She said sitting down next to me. "C'mon Tifffffff, it's just us four. You'll be fine."

She hesitated to answer again, but after a few minutes she gave in and told Ja to pour her a cup. I've only seen Tiffany drink once sophomore year and the outcome of it wasn't so good. But we're older now and I think she should know her limit.

We finished the first bottle and was starting on the second. Surprisingly, Tiffany was now on her third cup. I could tell she was feeling nice, shit, we all were.

Soon after, Chanel decided to order pizza and wings and I grabbed the snacks that i brought to hold us over. About 45 minutes later, the pizza finally came.

It was starting to get late and I knew for sure I wasn't in the right mind to drive. "You got a place for me and Ja to sleep and shit?" Tiff nodded her head. "Yeah, c'mon." I could see her struggling to get up so I helped her and watched her carefully as she led us upstairs.

She showed Ja one of the guest rooms as Chanel went into Tiffany's room to sleep and showed me to the other one. As she was getting me clean sheets and pillows, I took this opportunity to talk to her.

I know we got alcohol in our system, but I also know that I'll get the truth. "So what's good with you?" I asked her. "What do you mean?" She said laughing. "You know exactly what I mean, why you was avoiding me all week?"

She immediately stopped what she was doing. "I don't think we should talk about this right now." She gave me some pillows and started to walk out until I stopped her.

"Well I think we should." She sighed and sat on the bed. "That night I left your house, I started having these feelings for you. So I thought that maybe if I separate myself from you that maybe they'll go away...."

She stopped talking and looked away from me. "Well did they?" She looked at me and smiled. "It really doesn't matter right now. Goodnight Christopher."

She came over to me and kissed my cheek and left, closing the door behind her. I spent most of the night just laying there thinking about what she said. Although it wasn't much, if she actually did have feelings for me, then maybe I felt the same way too

Feelings ( A Chris Brown Story )Where stories live. Discover now