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*4 months earlier*

Spring break just ended and it was right back to school. I woke up that monday morning wishing I had an extra day off cause Lord knows I needed it. My friends and I decided to go to my parents beach house for the week and don't get me wrong, I did enjoy myself; I just wish things went a little differently.

Instead of it being just my bestfriends Chanel, Chris, Jacquees, and myself, every night there was a party. And every morning I was the one that cleaned up everything to make sure nothing was out of place.

That alone put me on edge and for most of the trip I stayed to myself. Of course I got the little comments from them saying that I should loosen up a bit and join them while they got drunk of their asses, but that wasn't my scene.

I've only gotten drunk one time and I didn't like it at all so I decided to never drink again until I got a little older.

After laying in bed for another 10 minutes, I got up and went to shower and got dressed for school. Heading downstairs, I was immediately hit with the smell of pancakes and sat down at the table to make my plate.

"Goodmorning sweetie." My dad came over to me and kissed me on my forehead. "You got in so late last night that I didn't get a chance to ask you how your week went."

"Yeah, how was it? What did you guys do?" My mom came in from the kitchen sitting some bacon and eggs on the table.

"It was cool." I started. "And we really didn't do much but hang out on the beach and relax." I couldn't tell them about the parties that went on while we were there. Not that my parents were really strict on things like that or anything, I just didn't wanna hear the lecture about how they would've been held responsible if someone's child was to get hurt or something.

Looking at the time, I finished my food and kissed both of my parents goodbye. I then got in my car and drove off to school.

Arriving at school, I seen Chanel waiting for me just like she did every morning. "Hey boo." She said to me as we walked towards our lockers. "Hey girly." I replied, waving to some people I knew passing by in the halls.

"Can you believe that we only have a month left of school then we'll be graduating? I'm so excited." I grabbed my books and closed my locker. "I can't believe it, I'm ready to get up outta here though!"

We both laughed and she shook her head agreeing with me. "What ya fools laughing at?"


"Nothing nosey, we was just talking about graduation and stuff." Chanel replied. "Oh aight." I replied as we walked to our first class of the day.

"But nah, what we really should be taking about is them parties during spring break." Jacquees exclaimed. "Them shits was too live." Chanel and I laughed with him as we reminisced about our week.

"They was cool, I guess." Tiffany shrugged. "Well maybe if ya ass wasn't so uptight you would actually have some fun." She rolled her eyes and opened her books waiting for class to start. I know I pissed her off but I could care less.

What I said was true. Yeah we bestfriends and all, but what kinda friend would I be if i didn't tell her?


School finally ended and Tiffany hasn't said anything to me all day. "What we doing for the rest of the day?" I asked the crew. They shrugged as Tiffany walked to her car. I told Chanel and Jacquees to meet us back at my house while I went to go talk to Tiff before she pulled off.

"Yo, what's your problem?" She looked up at me and proceeded to put her stuff in the car without saying a word to me. "Are you serious right now Tiff? It was a harmless comment, stop acting like that."

"It's bad enough I get those "harmless comments" from everyone else so I really don't need to hear it from you. Sometimes I wish you would just think about how I'm feeling before you open your mouth."

"I didn't say it with the intention of hurting your feelings. But look, we all hanging out at my crib today. You coming?" I looked at her and gave her my famous puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, I'll come. Just stop doing that." She said laughing. "You know you love it." I said kissing her on the cheek. "See you in a few."

Back at my house we all chilled and did the same dumb shit we do every time we get together. It started to get late and soon it was just Tiffany and I at my house.

"So whatchu gonna do?" I asked, looking at her. "What do you mean?" She asked turning to me. "You know, when we go off to college. The niggas there are more aggressive and more bold than they are in high school. So how you gonna deal with that? They not gonna take your stupid ass excuses either." I smiled slightly.

"I really don't know. I guess I just don't think about it, I'll deal with that when the time comes." I nodded my head and turned my attention back on her. "Just make sure that when you do find someone, they don't try to come up in here taking my place and shit."

We both started to laugh. "That could never happen, just know that." We were now sitting with our faces inches apart, gazing into each other's eyes. The relationship Tiff and I have is different. We're bestfriends, but every now and then we catch ourselves flirting, and I can't even count how many time we've came close to kissing.

"Okay, just remember you said that." I bit my lip and she looked down and started playing with her nails. "Well, um, it's getting late. See you tomorrow." We hugged and I walked her to the door.

I always catch myself having these thoughts of how it would be if we were to ever be in a relationship. But I know I'm not ready for that, I would only hurt her in the end. I like to do what I want, when I want and a relationship would change all that. So for now I'll be content with my hoes and hopefully these thoughts of Tiffany and I will soon go away.

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