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It's been about 3 weeks since Tiff and I have spoken. I still see her constantly because of our class schedule and being that we sit at the same lunch table, but we don't even say two words to one another. Not even hello.

I told Ja what was going on between us and I know for a fact she's told Chanel. Nothing is awkward and they didn't pick sides regardless of who they thought was right. Ja always tells me that I should consider Tiff's feelings and understand that she is sensitive to the situation, but I'm not tryna hear that cause she has never considered mine.

Word around school is that she's with someone anyways. I'm not the one to believe the rumors, but there could be a possibility that it's true. Even though I haven't seen her with anyone recently.

I wanted to know what was really going on, but in all honesty, I didn't wanna find out something that I didn't wanna know. If Tiff did find someone else, that would hurt me because I still want to be the person she ends up with.

At the end of the day, I decided to ask Chanel some of the questions on my mind. I knew she would be here since we had graduation rehearsal. After a lot of thinking, I thought that it would be better to find out, even if it did end up hurting me.

"Hey Chanel." I said walking up to her locker. "Where's Tiff?" She looked up at me and smiled. "She's already in the auditorium, you tryna profess your love to her again?" I laughed. "Nah, I actually wanted to ask you a question, and be honest." She grabbed the rest of her books and closed her locker. "Ask away."

"So um, does Tiffany have a boyfriend? Or someone that she's talking to on more than just a friend level?" I was scared of what was going to be said next. "There's no one Chris. You don't have to worry about someone coming in to take your place." She said walking away.

I smiled and walked into the auditorium for rehearsal. I couldn't believe graduation was just a few weeks away. A nigga made it.

The principal started off with cap and gown orders then went over how everything was going to work graduation day. She then started calling one boy and one girl at a time to be seated.

"Chris Brown and Tiffany Rodriquez." Tiff and I got up and walked to where we were directed to and sat down. Since Tiff is one of the tallest girls and I'm one of the tallest guys, I guess that's how we ended up being paired together.

"Please remember who you're sitting next to and the row of your seats. We'll have another practice on friday after school so I'll see all of you then." I got up to leave until I felt a soft hand touch mine and pulled me down. "Just sit here. I wanna talk."


After graduation rehearsal, I pulled Chris to stay once I noticed he was about to leave. I hated the fact that we haven't said one word to each other since Chanel's party and it's come to the point where I now feel awkward around him.

I never thought this would ever happen to us, Chris and I were better than that. We've had small problems in the past, and that's what I considered this situation as; just a small problem.

But I know now that it's way bigger than what I thought it was. I knew also that I was the only one that could fix the problem. Chris has done nothing wrong, I take all the blame for what has happened between us and I'm the reason why we're like this now.

Once everyone left the auditorium, I turned to him and began to speak. "I don't know how you feel about things at this very moment, but I would just like to apologize, for everything. I don't like that we're not speaking and I would do anything in the world to have things back to normal. This whole thing is truly my fault, I should've never said anything to you about how I felt until I was really sure it was what I wanted, and again for that, I am sorry."

The whole time I spoke he didn't even look my way. I understand completely if he didn't want to speak to me, but I was wishing he would at least give me an 'okay' or something. At this point I would take anything from him, I just wanted to hear his voice again.

"You say you want things to go back to normal, but you and I both know that could never happen." He said lowly. "I accept your apology but that's not what I wanted to hear, Tiffany. All I ever asked of you was to just tell me how you really feel. I didn't think that would be so difficult, especially for a person like you. So unless you're ready to do that here right now, this conversation is over."

He gathered his things and I spoke up before he got up to leave. "I'm ready to tell you Christopher." He turned around and looked at me, giving me his full attention.

"Truthfully, I'm scared someone will come and take you away from me. All the girls you've been with, I feel like I don't come close to them and I don't want to have to think that I always have to compete with them just to keep you around."

"Tiff, you'll never have to compete with anyone if you're with me. Like I told you before, it's you and only you. Ever since we first tried us til now I haven't been with another girl. I actually care about you and that's one thing those girls will never get from me. You're the only one I think about and I only want you."

"I want you too, and I want to be with you." He smirked and pulled me onto his lap. "I knew you wanted me, that's nothing new." I laughed and shook my head. "No silly, like I want you." He sat there for a minute thinking about what I really meant. "Oh, you tryna get busy huh?"

"Well it's not like I've haven't thought about it." He bit his lips and whispered in my ear. "Just know I'm nothing like them other guys you been with." His voice sent chills up and down my body, but he had it all wrong.

"Now you and I both know I'm a virgin, Chris." His eyes got wide and he looked completely shocked. "What about that guy you were with last year?" He questioned. "I would be real stupid if I gave myself up to him. It wasn't the right time anyways."

"Well I'm ready when you are, just tell me when. Until then, I'll try my best to keep my hands off you." He looked me up and down and licked his lips. "We both know how hard that'll be."

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