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"You guys really just need to make your minds up already!" Chanel and I were at the mall looking for graduation dresses and I just told her what had happened between Chris and I after rehearsal. "Shut up!" I laughed. "We only had one big falling out, you're acting like this shit happens every week with us or something. We're not even officially together yet."

"Okay, so instead of getting together you would just rather confess that you want to have sex with him? That makes all the sense in the world." She said sarcastically. "Really Chanel? Just look at it this way. Who better than my bestfriend?" I looked through the racks and found some potential dresses and picked them up so that I could try them on.

"I understand where you're coming from Tiff, it's just weird hearing you have a change of heart. You were always the one that was so set on finding the guy of your dreams and once you were ready, that's when it would happen." I nodded my head listening to her and watched as she continued to walk around the store. "I just don't want you guys to get together and you start to regret it. Regardless of how you feel now and if you guys do end up together."

"I hear what you're saying, but my mind is made up." She finally found the dress of her choice and we headed to the dressing rooms. "Good girl gone bad. You turning up at parties and drinking now, my little Tiffy is growing up." She pouted and pretended to cry. I busted out laughing and she soon joined in.


After the mall, I went straight home. I wanted to go to bed as soon as I got there, but my mom insisted on having a Sunday family dinner for her, my dad, and I. "So how was dress shopping?" My mom asked. "It was good, Chanel and I both found the dresses that we're going to wear, we just need shoes."

"That reminds me, I have to call her mom and get started on your graduation parties." Both of our moms thought that it would be a better idea to have a joint party instead of separate. "I can't believe my babies are graduating." My dad said. "It seems like just yesterday that I was sending you guys off to kindergarten together, now look at you two." Being that my dad and her dad were bestfriends is one of the main reasons why we are close. And ever since her dad died, my dad stepped in to give her a male figure to look up to. Whatever she needed, he was there for her.

"I'm just so proud of you guys, my two girls off to UCLA in the fall and I couldn't be happier." My mom nodded agreeing. I lived to make my parents proud and to see them happy. I do this for myself too, but they're my motivation. They keep me going. "Thanks guys, I love you." I responded. "This is more off subject now." My mom started. "But any guys catching your eye lately?" I bit the inside of my cheek. My mom and dad know of Chris and have met him plenty of times, but I don't think they would be too happy that their daughter is with his type. In the past, I've told my parents of the guy he was, but I wouldn't want them to judge his character off of what I have said about him.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." I finally said. "Well who is it?" I could see the excitement in my mom's face. I've never really liked a guy that my mom has known about, so I know she wants to know everything. My dad, on the other hand, I could tell that he probably never wanted to hear that his little girl is interested in someone. "No one important really, we're not even serious." I was telling them the truth, but lied being that Chris is important to me. I don't want to tell my parents about him just yet until I know that we are really serious with our relationship. Until then, all they'll think about when Chris comes over or when I hang out with him is that I'm just hanging out with someone I grew up with.

I know my parents like him, but they like him just being my friend. Like I said before, I don't know how they'll react if I was to come out and say that he was my boyfriend, but we'll just cross that bridge when it's time. "Just be careful out there with them boys. Remember they're all dogs and they only want one thing." I laughed and shook my head. "I know dad, you tell me all the time."

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