Chapter One

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Harmony POV

After a long day in the hospital I'm on my way to pick up my son King from this summer program. He starts kindergarten in August because that's when he turns five. He looks so much like his daddy. Speaking of his dad he's doing much better now. He's got a job fixing cars and he gets to keep King on the weekends.

It took a lot for me to finally let him take King to his place over the weekend. He's been doing great with him.

I pulled into the preschool and parked my car. I went to the main entrance and used my ID to get in. They've recently started giving parents electronic IDs to get in because of all the school shootings happening here in America.

"Hey Ms.Smith how are you doing?" Tameka The lady at the front desk asked.

"I'm doing good."I smiled."That's good to hear, King will be in here in a few."She said as I went to sit down. My phone started ringing and I seen it was Davion calling.

We have grown a great friendship. He basically replaced my old best friend. I'm also his roommate we moved in together during college.

"Hey what's up?"

"Hey you down for a party tonight?"He asked.

"Sure where's it gonna be?"

"At our place."He said."Please say yes, you know we have the house free and I'll clean up everything." I thought about it."Yeah I can do a party tonight I just have to drop King off with his daddy today first."

"Okay see you when you get here."He said before I ended the call.

"Mommy!"King said running to me and giving me a hug."Hey King."I said giving him a hug. "Let's go home."I grabbed his hand and walked to the car.


I finished packing Kings over the weekend bag and now I'm waiting for Quan to get here. A few minutes later there's a knock on the door.

I went to go get it while Davion finished setting up for the party.

"Can we talk?"He asked.

"If it's not about your son then no."

"Harmony please."He begged. I pulled the door closed and walked with him to his car. He put King in his booster seat and turned back to me.

"I want to say I'm sorry for all the shit that I put you through. I still love you and I miss what we had but I know I broke your trust and your heart so that's never gonna happen."He pauses."I just want you to forgive me that's all."

"I been forgave you Quan."I said putting my hands in my pockets. "I still love you too because you are my sons father."

"Thanks for apologizing for the second time. You don't need to anymore."I said shaking my head.

"Can we work back up to a friendship?"He asked and I began to laugh.

"No Quan we are just parents and that's how it will remain."I said looking at him."But I have to go see you Sunday."I walked away going into the house.

"What did he want?"Davion asked handing me some red cups."Oh nothing but apologizing."I said grabbing the drinks out the cabinet.

"Make sure there's no teens here I'm not dealing with the cops and no ones allowed in my room."I said going upstairs. I need to change.


It was eight now and the party has started. I walked to the kitchen to get something to drink. "Make me one too."My friend Jayla said coming in the kitchen with me. I met her when I went to my second year of college and we just clicked ever since.

"Here you go."I said handing her the red cup. "Thanks."We sat on the counter watching the people party. "So are you and Davion dating yet?"She asked causing me to choke on my drink.

"No we are friends and that's how it would stay."I love our friendship and would hate to ruin it.

"Okay whatever you say."She said smiling. "Let's go dance."Jayla said getting off the counter and pulling me off to the dance floor.

"Wonder if I can say the n-word
Wait, can I really say the n-word?
What up, my nigga? What up, my nigga?
Big ups, my nigga, we up, my nigga
You pussy ass nigga, man, fuck y'all niggas
'Cause I'm that nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga
I'm that nigga
I woke up in Chris Brown's body
Somehow this shit turned into Freaky Friday!"We all jumped up and down singing.

"Someone's coming."Jayla whispered in my ear. I looked and seen Davion coming my way. Jayla walked off winking and I just rolled my eyes.

Davion wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me into a hug."What are you doing?"I giggled wrapping my arms around him."Came to see you."I looked to see some girl mugging me from across the room so I just had fun with it.

"Someone's staring at us."Davion looked and shook his head."She needs to get over me."He said then he looked at me.His face got closer to mine and our lips brush against each other before he kissed me. It felt like everything around us had stopped.

"Okay you two get a room."Jayla said walking up to us."Shut up."I said walking away with Jayla as the girl watching came towards Davion.

"So..."Jayla started. "That was nothing but a kiss to make some girl mad."I said rolling my eyes. I felt something there but that was a line that shouldn't ever be crossed.

"That was nothing?"She looked at me."You and me know that was something else."She shrugged. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."


"Hey can you stay and help us clean—well me? Since we have drunk over there."I asked Jayla.

"I'm not drunk."He said throwing the red cups in the trash."Yes you are."Me and Jayla said looking at him. We started to clean up the mess and got everything done. It was now one in the morning.

"Thanks Jayla."I said walking her to the door."No problem girl." She gave me a hug before walking out the door."Oh and good luck with him."She laughed. I gave her the bird before closing and locking the door.

"Daedae."I said shaking him awake. I helped him up the stairs and into his room.

"Goodnight."I said as he sat down on the bed. I walked out of his room and into my room.


First chapter how was it?

I think I'll write thw rest of this book in 3rd person pov.

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