Chapter two

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3 weeks later

Harmony packed Kings over night bag and put his shoes on. Today was August 5th-kings birthday, and they are going to chuckie cheese for his birthday party.

"Mommy are we leaving yet?"King questioned his mom. "Yes, grab your jacket."Harmony said walking to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. When she turned around she bumped into Davion.

Ever since the party things have been awkward between the two. Harmony has been avoiding him but he just wants things to go back to normal.

"Harmony wh-"

"DaeDae not right now. It's my baby's birthday and I just don't have time." Harmony said cutting him off. She grabbed the over night bag and her purse. She then tried to grab Kings hand but Davion picked him up.

"I got this."She said opening the door. Davion walked with her to her car and placed King in his booster seat. "Are you coming?" King asked Davion.

"No I have to work."He said seeing King frown. "But maybe tomorrow we can go to the mall and pick something out." King nodded.

King ran to his grandmother, Alicia. She is now cancer free and looking so much better. Harmony always kept in touch with Alicia because she is basically her second mother.

"Hey Harmony how you been?"Alicia said giving her hug. "I'm doing great. Just living." Harmony said walking with her to a table. They sat there and watched as all the kids ran around and played. Quan rented out the whole place so it was nothing but kids and adults everywhere.

"Mommy can we take picture with chuckie?"King ran over to ask Harmony. "Yeah lets go."She said getting up and walking with King.

"Daddy come on."King said pulling his dad over with them. Quan got beside Harmony and King and chuckie got in the front on the ground. On the count of three they all said cheese.

It was getting late and Harmony was ready to go home and get some rest. "Mommy is leaving now okay."King nodded giving her a hug.

"I love you."

"I love you too mommy." Harmony grabbed her purse and keys and went out her car. Quan came out after her while his mom sat watching him talk to her. She doesn't believe Harmony would ever vet back together with her son but he does.

"Yo, you alright?"Quan asked Harmony. Harmony shrugged her shoulders. "Yes I just need some sleep."She said unlocking her door and getting in. "Alright see you Sunday."Quan said backing away from the car so she could pull off.

Harmony drove to the bar to drink her night away. She hasnt been to one since after having King. She was depressed and broken back then.

"So what can I get you?" The bartender asked her looking her up and down."Um something strong."Harmony smiled. "Okay we living on edge today." He said fixing her drink.

She didn't care much for the flirting bartender she just wanted her drink. After drinking two of the alchoholic beverages she was up dancing around with everyone.

Davion walked into the same bar and ordered a drink. He was there with some of his friends and some girls. He was sitting at the bar watching the party when he noticed Harmony trying to get out of some guys grip. He could tell she was drunk.

"Where you going?"One of the girls asked as he shrugged her off and walked away.

"Yo leave her alone."Davion said one he got to them.

"How about you mind your buisness and leave me and my girl alone."The guy said.

"She not Your girl she live with me nigga."Davion said eyeing him.

"Daedae?"Harmony said. "Yay y-you came to save me?"She said pushing the dude away. He walked away cursing.

"Give me your keys."Davion said. She handed over the keys and they walked towards the bar where his friends were.

"Imma call it a night yall."He dapped up his boys. "Yoy just gone leave with that hoe."One of the girls said looking at him.

"I'm not hoe you thot bitch!"Harmony said swinging at the girl. Davion pulled her away and they left the bar.


Davion parked the car and walked Harmony into the house.

He helped her up to her room. "Don't leave."She said pulling him on the bed on top of her. She tries kissing him but he turns the other way.

"Whats wrong?I'm not pretty enough?"Harmony asked. "You're drunk Harmony."He said sitting up.
"Well can you lay with with me?"

He got in the bed and pulled Harmony on top."I got to tell you something but I'm scared."Harmony said. She was about to start doing her drunk talking.

"I like you. Like I really like you. You're so nice and sweet to me." Harmony said. Davion just layed there and let her talk.

"These past three weeks I've been mad at you. Because you kissed me that night at the party and I wouldn't tell how I fell."Harmony yawned. "That night proved to me that I have feelings more than just bestfriends for you, I felt a spark."She stopped talking by then and Davion started thinking about what she was saying before he began to fall a sleep.

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