Chapter 10

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Harmony was sitting on her bed looking up some good venues to have her reception at. She wants to keep the church and her reception in a close distance from each other.

"You want orange juice or apple?" Davion asked walking into the room. "I'll take apple juice."

Davion walked back in with the fokd and the drinks."You cooked breakfast by yourself." Harmony looked up from her laptop laughing.

"Don't play me, you know I can cook too."Davion laughed. "I'll be the judge of that."Davion gave Harmony the plate of food. She took a few bites of the eggs then she ate some of the bacon. "Last she tasted the pancakes. "This is actually good."Harmony moaned.

"See told you I could cook."Davion sat beside her on the bed. "I might just have to make you my own personal chef."Harmony joked. Once she was done with her breakfast she went back to searching for her wedding for a few more hours. Then it came upon her that she would be 9 months pregnant on her wedding. She then started crying out the middle of no where.

Davion paused his video game and walked over to her. He moved her laptop over and set beside her on the bed. "Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying?"He pulled her over into a hug. "I'm going to be fat and ugly for my wedding."She cried even harder.

"Harmony, no you're not. You're going to be beautiful for the wedding." Davion said wiping her tears away. "But my face will be chubby, my body ugh it's going to be a mess."Harmony frowned. "And guess who's going to still be in love with all of that 'mess', me. " Harmony smiled as she heard the words coming from his mouth and finally calmed down.

"Baby, listen we can set a later date if you want."Davion suggested but Harmony shook her head. "But I wanted to have the wedding during the summer."Harmony paused. "I don't want to wait a whole year later or make you wait any longer."

"I'll wait for you as long as I need to, and I mean that."Davion kissed the top of her head. "I'm sorry for being so emotional ugh."Harmony spoke into his chest. "You're fine, it's ok."Davion rubbed her back to comfort her. Harmony sat there listening to Davions heart beat as they sat in silence. She felt so annoyed for making a fool of herself, even though Davion told her she was ok. She still felt like she was stressing him out and that's not what she wants to do to him.

Davion looked at the time on the television."Hey, you wanna go get King now?"Harmony nodded with her head still against his chest. She walked to the bathroom to clean her face and throw on some clothes. She grabbed some gloss and applied it to her lips, making them shine. "You ready yet?"Davion asked knowing how long Harmony takes in the bathroom. Harmony rolled her eyes and came back into the bedroom. "Let's go then, boy."
Harmony grabbed her jean jacket and they headed to the car.

"You always rushing somebody."Davion started the car. "And you're always taking a long time to get ready."Davion said pulling off. "I can't wait for the weather to get warmer."Harmony said turning the heat up in her car. She never like the winter. The only time she did was when she was younger around Christmas time. Now  December is ending and January is right around the corner. "Well we got a long time before that happens."Davion nodded as they pulled into the parking lot. They got out the car and went in the building to go pick up King.

"Mommy!"King came running from the hallway. He hugged his mother and Davions legs. "Hey baby you ready to go?" She asked. "Yessss."He said as they walked out the door to the car. Harmony buckled him into his booster seat and her Davion got in the car and pulled off.

"Mama today some kid hit me."King said and Harmony looked back at him in the back seat. "What happened? Did you tell the teacher?"Harmony asked. "No,  I hit him back and then I told him I was gonna beat him up and he ran away crying."Harmony mouth dropped.

"King we don't put our hands on people."Harmony sighed. "If some one hits you, you get a teacher and they will handle it."Harmony said."But Davion told me I could hit people if they hit me."King pouted. "Oh he did."Harmony turned her attention to Davion who was trying to pay attention to the road and ignore her. "I guess we're going to have a talk when we get home." Harmony said looking at Davion.

"Oh King guess what?"Davion said changing the subject. "In a few months you're gonna have a little brother or sister."He said putting infuseses on sister. "So I'm gonna have a dog and a little sister, cool!"King smiled.

"We're still having that talk when we get home."Harmony whispered to Davion. "Mannn."He smacked as teeth as they got on to the exit. "You wanna cook tonight or order food?"Davion asked stopping at a light. "Lets get him a happy meal and I'll figure mines out when we get there."Harmony said checking her messages.


After leaving McDonald's they heading back home. Although Davion had Harmony happy and laughing, she still did not forget about talking to him. After putting King in his bed she made her way to their room. Davion was sitting on the bed playing his game. Harmony got in front of the TV blocking his view.

"Harmony you buggin'."He said trying to look around her. "Can you put the game down? We have to talk."Harmony said in serious tone. Davion knew exactly what this was about and thought she had forgot, but she didn't.

"I don't mind you helping me out with King, but can you please not encourage him to fight."Harmony paused. "Especially at such young age."

"But he shouldn't just let some bully, bully him."Davion argued. "And he doesn't have to fight to stand up for himself. That's not what I'm teaching him."Harmony responded getting irritated. "Just next time if he has a problem can you atleast inform me before you make a decision?"Harmony said. "Yes, I will. And I'm sorry."Davion said pulling Harmony into a warm hug.

"Are you still mad at me?"Davion said into her neck. "I was never mad, just upset."Harmony sighed. "I'm so confused as to what mad looks like on you,"Davion laughed. "Well I didn't yell at you so..."Harmony shrugged her shoulders and smiled. "Oh yeah, you didn't."Davion nodded. "See, and thats what upset looks like on me, but it can escalede."Harmony said climbing in the bed. "Come on come to bed."Davion turned of his game and put netflix on.

"Aht aht."Harmony said moving Davions hand from the top of her night shorts. "Pleaseee."Davion frowned. "Nah I'm gonna be celibate until our wedding day."Davion mouth dropped wide open and a look of hurt appeared across his face. "Wait are you forreal?" Davion asked. "Yes."Harmony nodded holding in her laugh.

"Baby but what am I going to do?" Davion asked rubbing on her leg. "Um use your hand, duh."Harmony busted out laughing and Davion looked confused. "What's funny?"Davion asked. "You, boy I was just playing with you." Harmony laughed. "You should've seen your face, you look like a sad puppy dog."Harmony started cracking up.

"You think you're funny huh?"Davion laughed hovering on top of Harmony. "Yes I do."Harmony giggled as Davion began tickling her. "Stop!"She screamed out of laughter. "Girl you gone wake King up."Davion cover her mouth. "Nobody told you to tickle me." Harmony said trying to catch her breath.

"Look what you did."Davion said as he heard tiny knocks coming from the outside of door. He rolled off of her and onto his side of the bed. "This will be quick."Harmony said walking King back to his room. She put him in his bed and rubbed his back until he fell back to sleep. By the time she got back to the room Davion was sleep. "Good." Harmony said climbing back into her bed. She scooted closer to Davion and wrapped her arms around him.

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