Chapter 9

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Excuse any grammar mistakes or errors. I'll edit those later but for now on, enjoy. 💕 💕

Today Harmony is going to visit her father. They have been catching up like this every other weekend. Their relationship is still rocky, she's trying to learn to trust him again. Afterall he did pack up his stuff and left her alone. The real corporate was her mother. Her mother was horrible to her growing up. She tried to mold her into the "Perfect' girl, but Harmony always seemed to "disappoint" her. When Harmony started to date Quantez that was the last straw.

She knocked on her fathers apartment door and waited for him to come. King was standing beside her knocking on the door too. Her father opened the door and the smell of cigarette smoke burst out. "You need to spray this house."Harmony said walking in. She found a some and sprayed around the apartment.

"Grandpa can I have some?"King pointed at the bag of chips on the kitchen table. "Sure just make sure it's ok with your mother first."Marcus, Harmonys father said. King looked at his mother with puppy dog eyes. "Okay, but just a few."Harmony said going to sit on the couch in the living room.

"So there's something I want to tell you."Harmony said getting her fathers attention. He set his cup down and turned his attention to her. "So me and Davion are getting married."She smiled. "I wanted to know if you would want to come."

"I would love too, but is this what you want?"Her dad asked. Harmony nodded, "Yes, I'm very happy with him, and he treats me excellent. He also treats King as if he were his own, which I really admire."Harmony smiled throughout that whole talk. "I'm not sure if I want you to walk me down the aisle, but when I figure how I'm feeling, I'll let you know."

"I understand where you're coming from, and I don't expect you to allow me to walk you down."He nodded his head. "There will be no hard feelings, and I can't blame you for how you feel."

"Thanks for understanding me and listening to what I had to say."Harmony grabbed her phone and silenced who ever was calling her. "Anyways who will be taking my place."Him and Harmony shared a little laugh. "It will more than likely be his uncle."Harmony shared with him. She checked her and seen that Quantez had sent her a message. "Well I'll see you later, gotta get the little one to his father. Harmony gave her father a hug before grabbing King and leaving.

They got over to Quantezs house quick. Quan walked over to the car and Harmony mentally rolled her eyes. "Go on in the house, imma talk to mommy real quick."He said as King got out. "No, you not getting in my car."Harmony shook her head. "Man it's like that?" Quan smacked his teeth. "It's been like that."Harmony shrugged,"Now what do you wanna say?"

"I was just seeing what was up with you."He said looking at Harmony up and down. "Well I've been doing me, and big things are happening for me." Harmony smiled. She wanted to see if he was willing to come to the wedding, but she didn't feel he was mature enough for that. "Damn I miss that smile."Quantez said looking at her.

"I bet you do, but I have to get going, so like can you move?"Harmony put her car in drive. "Why you actin' like this?" He asked. "I'm with somebody and I know you know that, so stop with the bull."Harmony said before pulling off. When she got home she decided to call his mother.

"Hey momma."Harmony said. Although her and Quan aren't together, she still keeps in touch with his mother, Alicia. "Ohh hey baby, how are you?"Alicia asked. "I'm doing great, life is great." Harmony smiled as she walked into her kitchen. "That's good, thats good."

"I do have something I want to tell you, but you can't tell Quantez yet."Harmony spoke. "I promise I want if you don't want me to."Alicia said. "Okay, so I'm getting married and I want to know if you would like to come?"Harmony said.
"Baby of course I will. I will love to come and support you."Alicia said with joy.

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