Chapter Five

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2 weeks later

Harmony was laying in bed with Davion and King. They were watching paw patrol with King but both Davion and King fell asleep.

Harmony decided to check her Facebook messages. She read one message from her Father. He said that he would like to see her again.

In the last three years she and her father began to rebuild their relationship. She hasn't spoken to her mother or her sister at all.

She sent him the address to the place they were going to meet up at and told him to come tomorrow. This would be her first time seeing him in person for years.

"Davion."She said shaking him to wake him up. He yawned before waking up.

"Can you carry King to his room?"He picked up King and brung him to his room.

Harmony got on top of Davion when he got back on the bed. He placed one hand on her back with the other under his head. She started kissing him on his neck and all over his face.

"Whats up with you today?"He asked looking at her.

"I don't know."She smirked feeling his growing bulge under her. She started moving a little on his lap and he grabbed her waist.

"Girl do know what you're doing?"

"I'm not doing anything."She said trying to act innocent. Then she bit her lip. He flipped them over and started kissing her. They both began undressing each other.

This was going to be the first time Harmony has had some in a while.

He grabbed a condom and placed it on. He began rubbing her clit and she moaned. She didn't want to be teased, she wanted to be fucked.

"Please just Fuck me already."She moaned.


Harmony and Davion were laying down on the bed trying to catch their breath. She had a big ole kool aid smile on her face.

Harmony grabbed her phone and took a quick selfie with Davion. She got up and grabbed some clothes and went to the shower.

The next day

Harmony contacted her Father to make sure he was still coming to see her.

"Babe!"Harmony said fixing King some oatmeal.

"Yeah."He walked in the kitchen and leaned against counter. "Do you want to come and meet my father?"She asked. Davion didn't know what to say, even though he doesn't know the man and doesn't like him.

"Man I don't know if I should."He said rubbing his chin hair. Harmony thought it would be good for them to meet each other but if he didn't want to come then she wasn't about to force him. "But yeah I'll come let me throw a shirt on."


They showed up at a little coffee shop. Harmony got King out his seat and they walked in. Harmony looked out and seen her father sitting at a table waiting for them.

"Hey."She said sliding into the booth. "Hey It's so nice to finally see you again."He said smiling. Her father looked healthy. He wasn't living as good as he used to.

Ever since he caught her mother cheating he's been trying to reach out to Harmony but couldn't find her. Harmony thought it probably had something to do with Quan.

"Hi Im Marcus, Harmonys Father "He reached his hand out in order to shake Davions. "I'm Davion."He shook his hand.

Marcus' eye's glossed over. "I just wanted to say thank you for being there for Harmony."He said looking at Davion.

''Yeah since you weren't.''Davion said in his head but just decided to nod his head and keep his mouth shut.

"Mommy who is he?"King pointed to Marcus. "King don't point at people it's rude."She said. "That man over there is your grandpa, Marcus."

Kings eyes lit up and he had a big smile on his face."I gotta papa." Harmony smiled looking down at him, "Yes you gotta papa." After spending a little time with Marcus they left to go drop King off at his dads house.

Harmony grabbed his bag of clothes and toys while Davion got him out of his seat. Harmony got a hold of Kings hand and walked him to the door. Quan opened the door and King hugged him.

"Mommy loves you and I'll see you Sunday."She said to King before he ran into the house. Quan noticed that Davion was standing outside the car watching them. "What he doing here?"Harmony looked back and shook her head.

"He is obviously riding around with me."She said in a duh tone. "What? He don't have his own car?" He questioned her again. Harmony knew where this conversation was going and handed him Kings bag.

"I'm not doing this with you today or any other day, We got to go though."She said walking back over to the car.

Her and Davion hopped in the car and drove off. "What did he want?"Davion asked. "He's just being nosy."Harmony said pulling on to the highway.

"Where to now?"Harmony asked. "To the house a nigga tired."Davion said. Harmony nodded before turning up her music and heading to the house. She actually wanted to go out somewhere but she just shrugged it off.


Harmony was laying in the bed beside Davion when she got a call from Jayla.

"Hey girl."She said sitting up.

"Hey what you up to?"Jayla asked her. Harmony rolled her eyes. "Nothing at all."She blew some air out of her mouth. "Come over you sound irritated."Jayla said. Harmony got up off the bed."I'm on my way."

"I'm goimg to Jayla house."Harmony said putting her slides on and her jacket. "No kiss goodbye?"Davion asked. Harmony gave him a kiss and then left.


Harmony and Jayla were sitting on the couch talking. "Girl why are you so upset? Just ask him."Jayla said. "You do know he's not a mind reader."

"But I just don't feel like I should have to ask him."Harmony sighed. "Then talk to him."Jayla said. "You got me sounding like a marriage counselor." Jayla laughed.

"I just feel like it should be traditional. He should take me on a date. I'm tired of going to work and coming back home to a weekend of doing nothing." Harmony stressed.

"Yall had sex yet?"Jayla asked. "Yeah yesterday." Harmony said. "Well then you had some fun girl."

"Anyway why haven't I seen King in a minute?"

"Girl you ain't been coming to get him, but he with his nosy ass father." Harmony said. "What he do this time?" Jayla asked.

"Davion was with me when I went to drop off King and he asking questions."Jayla laughed. "He still don't know?"Jayla asked.

"Nope and I don't plan on telling him."Harmony said."Plus he gone find out anyway."

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