Chapter Eight

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A/N~I know I know. I've took a long time. But here it is a new chapter. There's been alot going on and I needed to take a mini break from writing and and social media. Now I'm feeling all better and I'm back on my game.

"Davion can you get King ready?" Harmony asked as she got out the shower. Today they were going to run some errands and go shopping. Do a little family things together.

Davion woke up King and they brushed their teeth and washed their face together. Harmony watched from the doorway in awe. She loved they way Davion cared for King as if he were his child. She walked away and finished getting ready.

Davion came in with two different outfits for King. Harmony shook her at him and laughed. "Those do not match baby."She sat them on the bed. She opened the closet and grabbed a bag out. She gave Davion some black sweats and a Orange shirt to wear. She brought them matching outfits to wear.

"Wait we really gone be the cringy couple."Davion said. "This isn't cringy, now put it on."She shooed him away. Davion and King came back dressed and ready to go.  She grabbed her keys and coat and they went out to the car.

"First stop, to the pet store."Harmony said pulling of onto the road. "We get a dog."King smiled getting all excited. "Yes, but we're gonna get a baby one, its called a puppy and you can name it."Harmony told King as they made a right turn onto the road that leads to the pet store. She drove into the parking lot and parked the car. Once they got in they seen that it was a lot of people there.

"Come on King lets go look at some puppies."Harmony said grabbing his hand. "Look at this one."Davion said as they walked towards a little brown and white beagle. The beagle was jumping and barking up a storm. "I like him mommy, can we get him?"King said jumping up and down. "You don't want to look any other ones?"Harmony asked. He shook his head 'no' and Davion went to go get an employee.

"So what do you want to name him?" Harmony asked King. "Buddy."King smiled. "Buddy it is."Harmony nodded her head.

"Okay so we're taking this little guy home?"The employee said coming towards them with some papers. "Yes."King said nodding his head. "Yes we are."Harmony laughed. "So these are just some paperwork you need to sign and complete before you can take him home."He informed them. "They shouldn't take but a few minutes."

Harmony handed the papers to Davion and she went to go look for her cat. She walked past a bunch of cute ones. "I want this one."She said to herself looking at a cute black and white cat. She got an employee and he gave her some paper work to fill out. After her and Davion were done they went to the check out counter.

"Okay, so we have to give both of them shots before we send them home." Harmony nodded rubbing the top of Kings head. "So in two days we will call you and let you know when you'll be able to get them."

"Okay thank you, have a good day." Harmony said as they walked out of line and out of the store. "Mommy why did we leave the dog?"King pouted.
"Stop pouting we get him in two days." Harmony said putting him in his booster seat.

"Do you wanna go to the mall first or the grocery store?"Davion asked getting in the drivers seat. "Lets hit the mall first."Harmony said getting in the passenger seat.

"Stop at McDonald's so we can get him an Ice cream."Harmony said looking at the McDonald's sign. "Harmony you gotta stop spoiling him when he's mad." Davion said driving right past it. "I'm not spoiling him."Harmony sighed. "Yes. You. Are. He's fine you gotta let him get over it."Davion said pulling into the mall.

Harmony got out the car and grabbed King out of his seat. They walked into footlocker. "Why we in here?"Harmony scrunched her face up. "So that I can get me and King some shoes, duh." Davion said. "What about me?" Harmony tilted her head.

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