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Months and Months later..........

Harmony and her bridesmaids has just finished getting ready."how do I look?"Harmony asked. Her friend Jayla smiled as she looked at her. "You look way better than us and that's all that matters girl it's your day."Harmony smiled and gave her friend big ole hug along with the other two bridesmaids . They looked at the time to see it was time to start the wedding. The bridesmaids left first while Harmony waited behind.

Davions uncle came up beside her while her father came up on the other side of her. She looked at the both of them and smiled. "I'm really doing this,  for real this time." They each looped their arms together and walked through the doors as the music began to play. Harmony was so nervous and so scared as she began to walk down the aisle. She looked up to see Davion looking at her with tears of joy rolling down his cheeks. All she could think was, don't make me cry please as she finally reached where he was.

She mouthed I love you to him as they joined their hands together. The ceremony began with tears and laughs as they shared their vows with one another. Davion couldn't be any happier than to make Harmony his wife. "Harmony do you take Davion to be lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

"I do."Harmony smiles as she place a ring on Davison's hand. "And you Davion, do you take Harmony to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

"I do, a million times I do."Davion smiled looking at the beauty in front of him. He then placed Harmonys ring onto her finger. "By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife." They shared one beautiful kiss as soon as they could. The both of them couldn't be any happier. "Yay mommy!"King said as cheered along with everyone else. Harmony and Davion headed to a room to change into their reception outfits.

Harmony came out in sexy red dress with some shiney black heels. Davion came out in dress shirt and some moves pants with another pair of dress shoes. "Ohhh look at beautiful pregnant wife."Davion said doing a 360 around her."No, look at my handsome husband I should say."Harmony said as she watched him.
He grabbed her hand and they went on into the party room. Everyone was eating, dancing, and having all the fun they could. Then the music stopped and Davion sat Harmony down in a chair and grabbed a mic. Harmony began to she her head not knowing what could be coming next.

"I came up with a special dance just for this day and I thought I'll give it try,"Davion looked at the dj. "DJ hit it." Then the music began to play again and Davion began to dance and brought out his groomsmen too. Harmony couldn't stop laughing and smile she began to cry tears of joy just watching him. Once the dance was over she and Jayla went to the bathroom. "That was so cute."Harmony looked at Jayla as she heard liquid hit the ground.  She began to shake her head no. "This can not be happening." Harmony sighed. Jayla smiled, "oh it's definitely happening."Jayla said grabbing her phone to call Davion and then the ambulance.

"Oh crap I got to go."Davion said as he hurried to the bathroom where Harmony was. Everybody else was very confuse as they watched him run out of there. Once he got to her Jayla ran back to the party to let everyone know. "Everyone the little one has just decided that is the time he wants to come out." Everyone began to share little giggles. "Don't worry continue to have fun and enjoy yourselves everything is just fine." She reassured the guest.

24 hrs later

Harmony woke up and seen her newly wed husband holding her newborn baby. She smiled and looked to see King and Jayla sitting on the couch beside her. "Hey Harmony ."Jayla said coming up to her bed. "Has anyone else been by?"Harmony asked. Davion didn't want a lot of people there since this was a stressful and scary delivery so he asked for everyone to check in the next day. "No , I asked them to come tomorrow so you can rest."Davion said looking at his beautiful mini me. He handed over the baby to Harmony and she gave him little kisses on his face.

"Hi little guy,   Hi it's mommy."Harmony spoke softly to her baby as she held him to her chest. "You look just like your father."Harmony smiled. "Davion will be your name too." She looked to see her husband smiling after she said that. "Come and hold him girl."Jayla walked over smiling as she gently grabbed hold of the baby. She smiled as she looked at him, "he's just perfect."

"This is great, I am so loving this new life." Harmony smiled as she looks at he baby.

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