Chapter Seven

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Harmony dropped Davion off at the house and went to go pick up King from his father. She knocked on the door and waited for Quantez to come to the door.

The door opened and Quantez brought Kings bag to her. "Mommy!"King said running to her."Hey baby."She bent down to give him a hug. She reached put her hand and grabbed the bag out of Quantez hand and they walked to the car. After making sure he was safe in his seat they said their goodbyes and she pulled off.

"For the first time his nosy ass didn't ask about me and Davion."Harmony said as she merged on to the highway. Thirty minutes later she pulled into the driveway of their home. "Come on King."She said waiting for him by the door. They made it in the house and ran up to Davion to give him a hug.

"Hey little man."Davion said. Harmony walked over to Davion and gave him a kiss."Ewww!"King screamed covering his eyes causing Davion and Harmony to laugh.

They all went to the living room to watch some TV. "Mommy can I get a dog?"King asked out of the blue. Harmony shook her head 'no'.

"Nope."She said. "Can we get a dog?"He turned and asked Davion. "Yes we're gonna get you a dog."Davion said looking at Harmony. "I know you're not a fan of Dogs so I got it."Davion assured her.

"Just as long as your Dog stays away from the cat I'm getting, then we're good."Harmony sighed. She's never ever been a fan of dogs, only cats she just never got the chance to get one.

"Baby I'm about to go get my hair cut." Davion said looking at the time. "Okay," Harmony frowned. "I'll be back."He said before heading out the door.

Harmony decided to call Jayla and see if she wanted to hang for the day. She hasn't told her or anybody else about the proposal. Harmony put King in his room to take a nap. Then she went and got the door for Jayla.

"I haven't heard from you all weekend so you must got some tea to spill."Jayla said walking in the house. "Well Hi, hello Jayla."Harmony said closing the door. They made their way to the living room and sat down on the sofa.

"So how was your weekend?"Jayla asked. "Well you know we did things and proposed things."Harmony said.

"What does the last part mean?"Jayla tilted her head. "You know I'm not good with riddles."Jayla said.

"Okay okay."Harmony showed Jayla her hand."He proposed!"Jayla said looking at Harmony. Harmony smiled and nodded her head. Jayla jumped up, "Well have you started planning, who are the bridesmaids?, when's the date-."

"Jayla Jayla, calm down we literally just got engaged no need to rush."Harmony reminded her. "Oh yeah yeah you're right."Jayla sat back down.

"So whats been going on with you?"

"Well you know I met someone."She said and Harmony got excited. "Ohh so does that mean we can double date?" Harmony wiggled her eyebrows.

"Maybe, I see some potential in him." She smiled. "He's good looking, financially stable, and no crazy baby mama's."

"That's right we don't need no ratchets in our circle."Harmony high fived her. They talked for a while until Jayla left.

"King baby."She said as she walked to her room where he was sleeping. She walked back out the room to let him nap some more.

The front door open and then shut. Davion walked in with some bags and food."What you get?"Harmony asked walking over to him. "Some Chinese take out and I grabbed some other things."He said.

"What other things?"Harmony tilted her head. "Things that should not be talked about in front of the little one."Davion said as King walked in rubbing his eyes.

"You ready to eat Baby?"Harmony asked.

"Yes."Davion and King said at the same time. "I was talking to my baby." Harmony said grabbing some paper plate. "I thought I was your baby?" Davion poked his lip out. "No you're my daddy."Harmony whispered in his ear.

She took the food out the trays and seperated the food on to the plates. "Mommy can I have some Juice?"King asked. "Sure baby."She went to the cabinet and got out a cup. She filled half the cup up with water before adding juice. King still hasn't realized his juice is watered down. "Here you go."She placed the cup on the table.

"Hey you two smile."Harmony pulled out her phone and snapped a picture. "Mommy can you post us?"King asked. "Sure after we finish eating."She sat down to eat.


"Davion here take a picture of me and my ring."Harmony gave him the phone.
"Wow so no picture with me?"He opened the camera app on her phone.

"We'll take some later."She said posing with her beautiful ring. "Do a spin, I'm gonna take a video."Davion told her. After they finished with the pictures, Harmony posted a few on her snap and facebook.

"Davion can we go see your mother? I haven't seen her in weeks and I miss her."Harmony asked. "Right now?"He asked. "No silly, tomorrow." She yawned.

"Somebody sleepy."Davion said. "No I'm not."Harmony rolled her eyes. "Ohh babe your birthdays coming up." Harmony said looking at the calendar on her phone.

"No shit."

"Why you always gotta be sarcastic?" Harmony shoved him making him fall off the bed. He got back up on the bed. "Why you always got to state the obvious?"He shoved her back.

"Ugh you're annoying don't talk to me."Harmony got under the covers and laid down. "Why you being a big baby?" Davion got on top of her. "Moovvvee." She whined as he started kissing all over her face. "Not until you stop being mad at me."He said kissing her neck. "Ok I'm not mad no more."She sighed.

He slid down to her sleep shorts and pulled those off. "Can I?"He asked her and she nodded. He slid her laced panties down her legs and took those off too. Harmony laid her head back and arched her back as Davion began to lick on her clit.

He entered a finger in her slowly thrusting in and out as her moans filled the room. "Look at me."Harmony opened her eyes and watched as her man devoured her. Davion gripped her legs to keep her from moving. She started squirming under his grip as she came on his fingers.

"Now it's my turn."Harmony said sitting on top of him.



A/N: Another chapter on the way next week. I think you all are gonna like it.

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