Chapter Three

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Harmony placed King in the car and put his bag in the trunk. She got in and drove off to go drop him of with Quan.

She decided to stop by a walmart before heading to his house. She got out the car and took King into the store with her.

She went to a clothing aisle to get King some more pants. While she was in there she seen her old bestfriend Jamiya walking towards them.

Jamiya is newly devorced. She had a great husband but fucked it up being a hoe like always.

"Harmony? Is that you?"Harmony rolled her eyes before turning to look at the lady beside her.

"Yes and what do you want?" Harmony asked rolling her eyes.

"Man come on Harmony its been five freaking years since that teenage bull."Jamiya said. Harmony could just fight her now, she never got the chance to because she was pregnant.

"King plug your ears."He put his fingers in his ears.

"Listen hoe I don't know why you feel like its okay to talk to me. Sure it was five fucking years ago but you were my bestfriend and you did me so wrong." Harmony couldn't stand being near Jamiya right now.

"How many times do I have to say sorry?"Jamiya said. "I've called, texted...Ive done everything to try to get back on good terms with you." Jamiya paused. "I miss us and our friendship. I know what I did was fucked up...but I still care about you and I'm so sorry I let that boy come between us."

"That's a nice speech and all but I accept it but I also don't care." Harmony said. "My past will stay behind. You were moved out of my life for a reason and Imma leave it that way."Harmony grabbed King and went to pay for her stuff.




Harmony knocked on Quan door and waited for him to open it. When he did she kissed King on the forehead goodbye and let him walk in.

"Tell your little thot friend to not talk to me again."Harmony said. Quan looked at her with a confused look on his face."Who?"

"Jamiya dumb nigga."He smacked his teeth. "I haven't fucked with her in years."He said. "You know she got devorced and possibly pregnant by some other dude."

"You must be fucking with her if you know that."Harmony rolled her eyes. "No but the streets talk."He said.

"Well keep 'the streets' away from my son."Harmony said being serious. "Our son."Quan said trying to correct her.


It's been a few days since Harmony confessed her feelings for Davion. Davion thought about what she said and felt it was time for him to tell her how he really feels.

He walked down stairs and found her sitting on the couch watching tv. He sat beside her grabbing the remote and turning the volume down.

"Yo what are you doing?"Harmony said trying to grab the remote back.

"Chill we gotta talk about something." He said placing the remote on the coffee table.

"What do we got to talk about?"She asked squinting her eyes.

"Us."He said more serious. "Whatchu mean us? Our friendship?"She asked.

"Harmony listen I'm tryna be serious with you."He paused. "I know you have feelings for me."He said.

Harmony started coughing. How did he know that? She thought. Her plan was just to deny it. "Yeah as a friend what are you talking about?"

"Girl stop playing you told me three days ago."He said trying to refresh her memory. She shook her head. "I don't remember that."

"That's because you were drunk."He said in a duh tone. Harmony put her hand to her forehead getting embarrassed. "I can't believe I freaking told you that."She shook her head.

"I feel the same way. I like you too. I just didn't want to rush you into anything too fast because of all the stuff you been through."He said looking at her.

"Well you know how I feel."Harmony said. "The real question is do you want to be in a relationship with me?"


Short freaking chapter....I know. I just wanted to leave you on a clift hanger.

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