angst : : ONE

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     A CIGARETTE HUNG from bills lips. he knew they were shit but he kept on smoking. he exhaled the smoke and it flew away with the light wind.

"so you met her?" harry asked. flicking the ash away from his cigarette and squishing it with his black and white chuck taylor's for fun.

bill didn't answer. instead he inhaled again. and exhaled. "yeah." he dusted off his boots because ashes dropped on them. and he likes them to look pretty at all times.

"so?" harry answers. wanting to know what this new girl was like.

bill didn't go on dates. bill didn't date. bill didn't do anything but be angsty and smoke cigarettes. so what is it about the girl that makes him consider doing those things?

"what do you mean, 'so' ?" bill quickly intercepted, coughing from the cold weather. he let his cigarette hang in between his lips so he could rub his hands together only to blow hot air into the same hands he placed on his pale, smooth face.

they were in the middle of new york city in january and all they had worn was leather jackets, tight ass jeans, chuck taylor's and designer leather boots. not to mention a lot of hair gel on bills part. he hadn't washed his hair in months so it was full of complete gunk.

"'so'," he dragged. "how did it go, you fucking dickhead." he teased.

"i don't know. i got a good feeling about it though, spider."

"let me see her." he asked.

bill quickly pulled out his phone and once again held his cigarette in between his lips. "there." he held his thumb close to the picture of storm. she looked gorgeous.

"she's hot." bill looked over at him as he hung over bills shoulder. giving him a warning look. that wasn't his lady but that was his lady.

"shut your fucking mouth spider." he held his arms up in defeat. it wasn't a doubt that bill was the more superior one out of the two. harry wasn't built for that type of life.

"i could introduce her and alana if you really think it's worth it."

alana was harry's girlfriend. loving, caring, pretty. doesn't take any bullshit. and another thing i might want to add. a stripper at the best strip club in all of new york city. you should see her. that girl is fire.


"well. what's she like- how'd it go?"

it took bill a couple seconds to gather his thoughts on storm. but she was really great. and he was surprised at the fact he liked such a regular girl. well not really regular. her personality was amazing in his eyes. but she did some of the most boring things for fun. even her job is boring. she works at a daycare.

they met at a department stores be was buying a new leather jacket and she needed new things for her house. he cant remember where. some crew place.

but he wouldn't stop staring at her. and she came up to him and asked him was he looking to buy her too. that's what made him so intrigued. this sense of a badass attitude mixed with innocence. which he loved.

and even just going on one date with her to some bogus ass wine tasting earlier he couldn't stop thinking about her. about his next time with her. he was like a little kid. he's never been this happy before.

"she's fucking amazing i tell you."


"yeah," he reassured. relighting his cigarette. "great smile. makes me laugh. she even covered the fact that the wine taste like dirt."

"you sound like a teenager."

"i am a teenager man," he sounded like matt dillon playing dally in the outsiders. he put his cigarette out on his new leather jacket and flicked the butt to the ground. "let's go back inside, yeah?" he lifted an eyebrow and watched harry put his out on the bottom of his chuck taylor's.

as they slid the red door open there was bar noise hitting them every which ways. pool balls smacking each other. drinks being poured. laughter. bill could hear it all.

bill nodded. giving him the 'yes, i want the regular' . bill loved whiskey. which is probably why he thought the wine tasted so bad.

he leaned on the bar trying to sit himself the way he wanted. the lights behind it revealed a sparkle in his eyes. man, he was beautiful.


"so where are you two going next?" harry asked hm.

"spider, i don't know. maybe just take her out to my condo or something." they both laughed lightly. they found each other very funny.

"hey, you pretty princesses," bill teased at the four men who were previously playing pool at the third table. they rolled their eyes. knowing it was gonna be nothing but trouble from bill and spider.

"what do you want skarsgård?" george asked. the biggest one of all.

there was george, jack, mitch and dean. and they despised bill and harry. all of them. possibly because they knew the two of them could whoop their asses an they were just in hindsight afraid of them. or because the two hustled the four out of their money whenever they had the chance. they had too much pride. bill and harry didn't. they didn't need it. he would have their money in his hands either way though.

"i bet that jackson boy over here can't beat spider one on one. hm? what do you think, george? 500?"

george looked at jackson with a sense of fear washing over him. he knew he would lose 500 dollars if he bet on jack winning a pool game. he always loses when he's playing for something. last time it was nearly his car keys.

"no. go find someone else to play motherfuckers."

bill chuckled. "don't get me kicked out of this club again."

harry leaned over to whisper in bills ear. "i gotta get home to my lady. she'll think i'm fooling around if i stay out any longer."

"i'll go with you," he turned to the four men again. "alright. looks like i'll have to kick your asses next time i'm here fellas. bye-a georgie."

he contemplated on calling her. but he really didn't want to seem annoying. but he wanted to talk to her. she was great. and he'd never really felt that way about anything before. he was always full of ANGST! and that made it hard for him to date new women. especially because he didn't trust them.

he didn't trust anybody.

lowkey don't even really like it. but i hope you all enjoy this book. i feel like it's gonna be one of my greater ideas so i'd just like it if you guys give it a shot and all that stuff like that i'd be SUPER happy.

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