angst : : ELEVEN

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     BILLS GRANDMA WATCHED storm. something was odd to her. she couldn't quite put her finger on by her and bills energy wasn't matching.

"hey, billy?" his grandma asked.

"yes, nana?"

"can you make me a sandwich?" that was the only thing she could think of to get him occupied. "make sure the bread is toasted honey. just a little."

"yeah. i'll be right back." bill looked at them. realizing they were his favorite ladies. leaving kisses on the both of their foreheads.

Lucille watched her grandson leave the room and asked for storms hands, pulling her closer. storm didn't mind it. "my grandson loves you. he talks about you all the time."


"oh yes. and my daughter. you remind me of her. sweet. soft spoken. beautiful. the type of woman i raised her to be."

"she was very beautiful, lu."

"please call me, nana."

lucille looked into her brown eyes. and that's when she knew. "can i ask you something?"

"of course." storm answer, moving her hair out of her face.

"he hits you doesn't he?"


"i see it in your eyes. i know that look. he hits you doesn't he?" she asked. now looking at the purple bruises on her forearm from bill pulling her around constantly.

"no? why do you think that?"

"because. i knew with my daughter. his grandfather did the same thing with me," she looked closer into her eyes. "and let me tell you something. you either leave, or you fight like hell to get out. it's not worth it."

bill came back into the room. confused and suspicious. "nana i think we should leave."

"but honey you're going to miss the stories!"

"that's okay, nana. storm has to be to work anyways."

she groaned. sad to see her handsome grandson leaving her once again. they were all each other had. "i'll come back to see you later, beautiful." he told his grandma, placing her sandwich plate down on her coffee table. he opened the door for storm and the both of them walked to the car.

"what was all that about?" bill asked.


"don't play fucking stupid with me snake. what were you and my grandma talking about?"

"she knows?"

he pulled off. "she knows what?"

"that you hit me."

he pulled the car over once again. "did you tell her that?"

"no, of course i didn't! she just..knew."

"knew?" bill asked her confused. nearly angry. mostly annoyed.

"billy i didn't tell her. if you don't believe me then that's not my fault. but i would never tell her that about you-"

"what did i tell you about your mouth? you wanna get smacked this early in the morning hm?"

she raised her arms in defeat. she just wasn't in the mood for it.

queen nana

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