angst : : SIX

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     BILL WOKE UP TO a ton of messages from harry and storm woke up to a bunch of emails from the parents at her daycare. it was 6 o'clock and bill and storm were still at the moon motel.

"i think we should get going." bill suggested. yawning and running his fingers through his hair as he stretched.

"yeah. but, can we get some breakfast, i'm starvin' marvin'."

he laughed at her. putting on his pants. he sort of knew this routine all too well. "yeah. i'll see if there's a diner close. somewhere. if not we'll just have to wait till new york."

"i guess so."

"come on," bill told her. put some clothes on.

she lifted the blanket up to reveal her naked body. "yes. we did." bill told her, fixing his belt. already knowing what she would ask.

she was kind of happy. but upset at the fact that she couldn't exactly remember the experience. it was her first time on ecstasy. it wasn't like bill drugged her or anything. she knew that. but still. she couldn't remember. but all she could taste in her mouth was cigarettes and it was quite disgusting. she rubbed her lips. making a disgusted face.

"let's go. i'll show you something when we go to get gas." he smiled.

as they were checking out bill made sure he remembered to ask if there was a close by diner or somewhere they could eat.

"just a mile down the road."

"thanks." bill gave the man a grin and opened the car door for storm.

"now that was fun wasn't it? just to get a way for a while?" bill asked as he opened the door to the diner.

"yeah." she told him. her hand placed on his.

"can i get you guys a table?"

"yes." bill answered.

they followed the waitress and sat down at the table she gave them. looking at the menu she placed down at the table.

"do you wanna share it?" storm asked.

"baby," he chuckled. enlightened at her offer. "we don't gotta share. if i don't have enough money for the both of us i'll just buy you something. it's fine."

"shhhh." she told him. her index finger over her puckered lips. indicating that he wouldn't go hungry if she was around.

"i'm Rebecca, by the way." the waitress chuckled. "just call me over when you have your orders." bill and storm grinned. giving her a nod.

bill looked at storm. into her eyes as they scanned the menu. "hey," he poked her and she lifted her head. "do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

she smiled. a bit confused at the question. it wasn't special or romantic but she got it. and bill literally couldn't think of a better time to ask. he was sure. after what they just did, he was absolutely sure. completely sure.


"i mean," he looked around. a fat sweaty guy at the front of the diner drinking a cup of coffee from a white mug. "i want you to be my girlfriend. so will you?"

his eyes portrayed he was totally serious. it was fucking ridiculous. they were falling way too fast and hard for each other. but they couldn't help it. bill knew he could walk through hell with a smile if he had her.


he smiled. reaching over to grab her face and kiss her. maybe he was insane. but she was the same.

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