angst : : FIVE

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I COULDNT TELL YOU why bill was feeling the way he was feeling in the morning. he wanted to go on a adventure. to have fun with storm.

bill rolled over in storms bed. causing storm to open her eyes and grin at bill. "let's go on a drive."

"what do you mean?"

"let's go drive."

it was around 9am and bill just wanted to experience something different with storm. to think about feelings. to do illegal things.

"to where, baby?" she asked. stroking his face .

"anywhere. and we could do some crazy shit," he laughed at himself. thinking of all the things that they could do together. "i just wanna do it with you," he nodded. looking at her onyx eyes with stars in his very own. "you're so fucking beautiful. i've never seen anyone so beautiful in my life." he put his hand on the back of her soft neck.

"oh shut up." she grinned. removing his hand.

"so! what do you say?"

she looked around. out the large window. and then back at him. "let's go."

he smiled. grabbing her face to kiss her, and she laughed at him. bill watched her put on clothes as he put on his leather jacket and all he could think about was spending the rest of his life with her. it was weird and funny because he never thought way of that of anybody.

"get a bag."

she walked into her closet and threw him a duffel bag and he smiled at her. she was worried about her job but she didn't want to be. maybe they'd understand.

"give me your keys." he told her and she gave them to him walking out of her bedroom door.

as they got into her all black honda coupe bill paused for a moment. "are you sure you're ready?"

"i'm sure." she kissed him and he started the car.

"i really need some ecstasy. if i take one will you drive?"

"yeah." her hands were wrapped around the stick shift as she watched his eyes illuminate in the light.

"we gotta go at least an hour away. to get away from all the fucking lights of new york. i'm sick of them. they're always on."

"that's fine, baby."

"welcome to the moon motel. hope you have a nice stay. you're in room 93." the receptionist croaked. bill gave them a weird look with his eyes narrow.

"okay, come on." bill grabbed storms hand and pulled her into room 93.

it was a calming room to him. the window gave out perfect light. not like new york ones. but just shimmering. he threw himself on the bed. his arms wide. storm jumped on him and began kissing his neck. him grabbing her handles with care.

"this is nice right?" he asked since he brought her along for the ride. he had to make sure she was okay and still down with him.

"yeah. do you have the pills?"

he reached into his back pocket grabbing and unfolding the paper with the eight tablets in them. grabbing two. "yeah," he put one in her mouth and into his. "it should kick in some time soon. let's just have fun for now." he took his clothes off. revealing nothing but his briefs and tube socks.

"ow!" she encouraged as he took off his clothes.

he began to dance and she laughed harder than she had ever done before. maybe it was the ecstasy but she felt great.

his eyes. flashing like highway signs. "give me a cigarette." storm suggested and bill handed her a newport. putting the lighter to the cigarette.

coughing because it was her very first hit. and it was amazing. "what's gotten into you, huh?" he sat down on the bed with her. resting his head upon her shoulder.

"i'm not sure."

she kissed him. on his lips first. and then she let her hands flow where they would wish to go. her knees gliding against the white sheets. now sitting on his lap.

"this is where it begins baby. i promise it's gonna be all good from here. i wouldn't want to give you anything but that." bill reassured.

and for just a split second he believed they were moving a little too fast. but only for a split second. and it was funny because they really were. but he didn't want to mind it. he...loved her. and he was falling in love with her. with her ways. her beauty. her soft lips. the way she just, cared. about him and his well-being. and how his mental was. he could sense that she would be there for him when he needed her to be.

and he wouldn't want that from anyone else, you know? she was so beautiful and wise. one of her very own. it was so rare to find a girl like her and now that he's got one he doesn't want to let her go. at all.

it's the thing that trips him out about love. he can manage to love someone he met a week ago but he can't manage to love someone he met just 24 years ago. he had so much hate in his heart. for himself. for other people.

himself, because he just fucked up everything. with the fact he didn't trust anyone no matter what was said. and maybe because he was an extremely violent person when he didn't get his way. he'd only hit one of his girlfriends one time and that was three years ago. his temper has gotten much worse if i don't say.

and he hated people because they never helped or tried to understand him or any of his logic. he was always just a 'loon' or a 'psycho'. but he didn't believe that about himself. he was just damaged and somewhat cold hearted and selfish. maybe he should've fixed that. storm has no idea what's to come.

was this boring? tell me if it's boring or unrealistic 😂

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