angst : : THREE

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BILL WALKED TO THE SUNNY SIDE UP daycare to greet his romantic interest storm. with a handful of daisies. she had told him those were her favorite flowers. and he decided to be kind and give her a little bit of a surprise.

he swung open the door and the receptionist immediately greeted him. "hi! are you here for your kid?"

"no. storm hennig?"

"she's in the middle of snack time right now."

bill put his head down and cut his eyes up to look at her. licking at his teeth with his hands in his jeans back pocket. "i uh. wanted to give this to her."

"i'll take them."

he hesitated for a few. he wanted to wait but at the same time he didn't. he didn't like all that sappy shit. he didn't want to see her blush cause it would only make him do the same. and he didn't want her to see that side of him just yet.

he handed them over once he realized that was the best decision on his part. "what's your name?" she asked as he pushed the door open.


"ok." she nodded and he walked out the door. thinking to call harry.

he pulled out his box of cigarettes. grabbing the last one in the box and throwing it on the ground. holding his cigarette in between his lips as he fetched his lighter.

he had no idea why smoking calmed him so much. it gave him a nice feeling. they don't really have much of a taste but they keep his mind off of everything. as his lit his cigarette his green eyes turn orange.

he grabbed his phone out of his back pocket and called harry. sitting down on the curb. "yellow?" he answered.

"where are you, you fuck?" bill asked.

harry chuckled. "i'm with alana at home. why?"

"ehh, i don't know," he flicked away the ash growing on his cigarette. squinting his eyes and creasing his forehead as he looked up at the beaming sun. "i just don't have much to do is all."

"come over."

bill was always thinking. "alright. i'll be there later."

"hey, you should invite that girl over." he suggested. it was like he always knew what was running through bills mind.

"why would i do that?" he asked.

"cause. maybe her and lana will make friends."

"i'm not sure. she's busy right now."

"well she doesn't have to come over right now."

"i'll be there soon, alright?" he says, ignoring what he was saying and suggesting to him.

"yeah, sure."

bill really didn't want to bring storm around alana or harry. he felt like alana would be too much of a bad influence on her. and that harry would tell how much of a bad person he really was. he didn't want harry to bring up his past. or all the stupid shit he's put his exes through.

but he got up from the side walk and made his way to his apartment. he was tired of walking all day. he only did it to kill time.

bill kind of hated cars too. that's why he bought himself a harley. one of the finest motorcycle brands to ever exist. he was infatuated with that thing. and he polished it every chance he got.

as bill leaves his bedroom he goes to receive his keys. opening his front door and grabbing his keys from his bookshelf by the door. shuffling down the stairs and hopping on his motorcycle to harry's apartment.

he got horns as he cut people off and fucked up merges multiple times. he didn't care at all. if he died he died. it was around 10 o'clock and the later it got the more angry people were.

he thought about about giving storm a ride. fuck. 'stop thinking about her' he told himself. at the moment the world revolved around her. cause all he thought about was her.

bill opens the door to harry and alana's open apartment and she sees her give him a dirty look. he wondered what it was all about.

"hey?" he greeted them in confusion.

"hey..." alana answered and by the way harry rolled his eyes he could tell it wasn't good.

"what?" bill asked. "what's that look for?"

"bill, were you with harry today?"

"yes, he was i said this already you-" alana put her hand in harry's face. indicating for him to be quiet.

"just...shut up." alana continued to look at bill. waiting for his answer. cocking her head to the side.

"yeah..he was."

"i told you."

"no. he's lying for you. i know you were fucking with her."

"no, i wasn't!"

"then why does it say that on your phone? hm? why does it fucking say that?" she yelled as she pushed him.

bill watched the two begin to wrestle. harry holding her hands in the air so she wouldn't hit him. and in fact bill had been lying for harry. and harry was with someone. they weren't together at all that day. bill spent his day in his loft, getting flowers for storm, and going to the daycare. harry was out fucking around. he hadn't spent 30 minutes with bill.

alana and harry kept yelling at each other. and knocking things over. it only clouded bills brain. and he could see his sanity slipping out of himself. it only reminded him of one thing. when his father killed his mom.

he got up off the chair and left the apartment without the pair even knowing so. rushing down the stairs frantically. he was so scared. so scared he might do something he would regret. like start yelling. and causing himself to panic. he needed to call storm. he had to. his hands were shaking as he grabbed for it. pressing the phone icon he called storm. listening to it ring three times.

"hello?" she answered in a stirring voice. making him smile crookedly.

"yeah, can you uh... get me? i'll explain it all later i just..really need you to come get me. please."

he would leave his motorcycle at harry's apartment complex. and he didn't care. he needed to be with his lady. badly. he need her touch. and she could sense the despair in his tone. she knew that she needed to get him and get him now. his breath was ragged and it was like she could feel him shaking.

"where are you?"

hiiiii. all of a sudden people like this book. thanks everyone. it's gonna be a wild ride.

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